Board Meeting Minutes Jan, 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date Jan. 15, 2018

Brad Sweet (president)
Keith Stutzman
Agnes Johnson
Kara Smith (HOA Management Services)
Jana Pote (secretary)
Mary Hill (treasurer)

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Agenda items
1. November meeting minutes Jana
Read and made one correction regarding the parking of vehicles in the street for extended periods of time. Minutes were then approved.
2. President’s report Brad
• HOA taxes have been signed and submitted to the IRS. Mary Hill approved payment of the bill to the accountant for preparation of the tax return.
• An electrical outlet at the front entrance has been repaired.
• The aerator pump on the lake has been repaired.
• The Architectural Control Committee has updated/revised the list of acceptable shingles for homes in the HOA.
• Tom Rausch (new owner) has requested the original approval plans for the enclosed deck on his property.
• Ron Ferris (potential home buyer) has requested an exception to the two-dog limit in our covenants. The board approved his request in December with the understanding the two older dogs will not be replaced in the future.
3. Neighborhood concerns Agnes
Board members receive occasional complaints regarding dogs being allowed to leave waste on their neighbors’ lawns. The board wishes to remind HOA members to exercise common courtesy and pick up dog messes.
4. Treasurer’s report Mary
Mary has received the files from former treasurer Phil Iwinsky. She has also received one mailbox key.
5. Pet concerns Keith
The board continues to hear of concerns regarding the number and behavior of pets in the HOA. There have been several troubling incidents regarding the death of smaller pets and injuries to people. The city of Wichita has ordinances governing the number, care, and behavior of pets, and homeowners are urged to be in compliance.
6. HOA covenant revisions Kara
• The board reviewed and discussed the newest iteration of the covenant revisions and made a few more corrections and clarifications. At the February meeting the board will review the final draft of the revised covenants and schedule zone meetings for the purpose of informing residents about the updates and conducting a vote to approve. Each HOA member will receive in the mail a copy of the revised covenants, specific dates and times of the scheduled zone meetings, and a proxy vote form. Zone meetings will be held during February and March.
• She reported no new information regarding the financial statement, but stated that everything looks good.
• Property inspections continue; one new addition has been made to the list of items needing attention.
• The neighborhood directory is in process. It will include names and addresses of all HOA residents, as well as phone numbers and email addresses of all who responded to the request for information.

The next board meeting will take place Monday, Feb. 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 2017

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA Board Meeting
Nov. 20, 2017

Attendees: Brad Sweet, Keith Stutzman, Jana Pote, Dee Means, Agnes Johnson, Tom Rausch, Nate Adams, Rodney Wright (VP HOA Management Services), Kara Smith (HOA Management Services)

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dee Means, 115 N. Rainbow Lakes Road.

Agenda items:

1. Introductions

2. Minutes from October board meeting were approved.

3. Mary, Brad and Phil have gone to the bank to get signature cards changed and paperwork completed for HOA Management Services to handle the paying of bills.

4. Brad and Keith reported that the broken pump at the east end of Reservoir A will be repaired/replaced by Dave Deffenbach, a homeowner. Dave did the original wiring and installation of the aerator pumps, and has offered to do the work at his cost. The board is grateful for his generosity. Cost will be approximately $450.

5. Kara reviewed the financial statement.

6. Zone rep reports:

a. Agnes: concern about the weeds/unkempt bushes around the signs at the front entrance. The board would like to plan a volunteer work day next May when the landscaping can be updated and cleaned up. Details to come. It was also suggested that we ask homeowners to sign up for one week during the summer to volunteer to care for the landscaping.
b. The question was raised concerning who puts up our Christmas lights each year at the front entrance. We were unsure who does that.
c. Keith stated that parked cars/trailers that are left for extended periods of time need to be reported to the city by calling 911. This is a city issue, not an HOA issue. An officer will come chalk the tire of the reported vehicle, and it will be impounded if not moved after the warning.

7. HOA Management Services report: They continue to document and sent notices regarding yard clean-up, exterior projects, and junk in driveways.

8. New homeowner Tom Rausch and roofer Nate Adams attended to discuss a concern about the roof approval process. The board agreed that the approved roofing materials list needs to be updated and will have the architectural approval committee begin this process as soon as possible. In the meantime, Tom will meet with Al Cavallaro (ACC chair) to get approval for his roof this week.

9. Rodney discussed the proposed changed to the covenants. Several revisions will be made and the HOA will have the opportunity to vote on the changes in the near future.

10. Jana asked about putting up “No Soliciting” signs at each entrance, but some felt that these are ineffective. Rodney stated that we should simply call 911 and report a suspicious person when solicitors come to our neighborhood. The police will verify whether they have a license to solicit in Wichita.

11. Brad will notify the board of the date and time of the next board meeting. The board typically does not meet in December.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Board Meeting Minutes Oct. 2017

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
October 16, 2017

Attendees: Brad Sweet, Keith Stutzman, Jana Pote, Dee Means, Agnes Johnson, Al Cavallaro, Mary Hill, Kenny Hughes, Terri Wolfe (HOA Management Services)

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Agenda items:

1. Introductions were made as many new board members were in attendance.

2. Minutes from August board meeting were approved.

3. Election of officers:
a. President: Brad Sweet
b. Vice President: Dee Means
c. Secretary: Jana Pote
d. Treasurer: Mary Hill

4. Mary, Brad and Phil will go to the bank to get signature cards changed as a result of the change of officers.

5. Contact information for board members was compiled. Terri Wolfe will send a finished list.

6. The covenants and by-laws need to be updated so they comply with state laws and other HOA’s. Previous attorneys have not been successful in making them fit our HOA. Rodney with HOA Management Services will be working to correct this problem in the very near future, hopefully before our November meeting.
a. The revisions/improvements to the covenants and by-laws must be approved by a 60% majority vote of the homeowners. A decision will likely be made at our November meeting as to how the vote will take place (special meeting, door to door by zone reps, other?).
b. The discussion clarified that covenants are the agreed-upon restrictions and protections with which homeowners agree to comply upon purchasing a home in the HOA, and that the by-laws provide the structure by which the HOA board may enforce those covenants, conduct business, and govern
c. The board will pursue the addition of wording regarding property maintenance (mowing, seeding, painting, trash containers, etc.) as well as the extended parking of RV’s, boats, and non-operational vehicles, which could include fines for failure to comply.
d. The validity of current liens was discussed, acknowledging that new liens will need to be issued upon the approval of the new covenants and by-laws.

7. Terri Wolfe explained the function and purpose of using the services of HOA Management Services. An informational sheet will be distributed to all HOA members which should clarify exactly what we can expect from them.
a. The Architectural Control Committee will no longer accept project requests from HOA members. Rather, homeowners will submit their requests {Project Approval Request, or PAR) through HOA Management Services who will in turn present the requests to the Architectural Control Committee for approval.

b. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the homeowners are not paying additional dues at this time to finance the use of HOA Management. Because the board consists of volunteers AND few homeowners choose to volunteer to serve, the consensus among the previous and the newly-elected board members is that their services will be well worth the cost and will encourage greater homeowner participation in future years. NOTE: At the end of one year with HOA Management Services, homeowners’ dues will need to be increased to fund the cost if we continue to use HOA Management Services. The amount of the increase will be determined as the time grows closer.

8. Terri Wolfe reviewed the covenant offenses noted by HOA Management Services. Photos have been taken for documentation, and a list was provided to board members. Inspections take place approximately bi-weekly.

9. Following the removal of the small dock at the east end of Reserve A, some metal posts remain in the lake. They have been painted red to warn of the hazard. The contractor who removed the dock intends to remove the poles once the water level drops adequately, but this did not happen this year. The board retained $100 of his fee to be paid upon completion of their removal. Another bid for $800 was quoted for removal at this time, but the board feels we should wait a bit longer for an opportunity to have the original contractor complete the job for the final $100.

10. Discussion was held regarding two long-standing covenant violations. The homeowners are aware the violations, but the board is awaiting the covenants and by-laws updates before taking further action.

11. Goals of this board for the upcoming year in Rainbow Lakes West 3rd:

a. Update covenants and by-laws (current ones are available on the HOA website )
b. Emphasize social involvement (zone gatherings, annual potluck, Neighborhood Night Out)
c. Create a directory for all homeowners (names/addresses provided, homeowners may choose to add phone/email info)
d. Increase annual HOA dues if we continue to use HOA Management Services.

12. The next board meeting will take place Monday, Nov. 20 Mary Hill’s house. All meetings will be scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Following an expression of thanks to Terri Wolfe for attending, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

June 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West III
HOA Board Meeting
19 June 2017

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. at the home of Mary Hill with the following in attendance
Brad Sweet, Mary Hill, Phil Iwinski, Keith Stutzman and Agnes Johnson, Guest Debby Iwinski.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved.
ACC Approvals:
6’ Cedar Privacy Fence around backyard, Steve and Jan Geno
260 S. Forestview Ct. approved 6/7/17
5’ Wrought Iron fence around backyard, Tom Mahon
225 S. Forestview St. approved 6/12/17
Garage Sale:
It was suggested that we have it a week later next year, and that we contact the neighboring HOAs’ to coordinate having all on the same weekend.
Post removal in Lake behind Richard Rose Property.
President Brad will contact Richard advising him we will wait until the water is much lower due to the potential liability if something goes wrong. These posts are not really hurting anything, but if cut off below water level and someone accidentally were hurt by the poles which they could not see, we could have a problem.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance on Hand in checking account $10,329.20, June 19, 2017.
Balance on Hand in savings account $27,002.62, June 19, 2017.
There are 6 delinquent accounts remaining, two of which are $300 each. One is in Zone 1, one in Zone 2, three in Zone 3, and one in zone 5.
A discussion of the services provided by Custom Lawn Service affirmed that they are doing the job they were hired to do, at the Maple street entryway, and it is in better condition as a result. They are treating the trees, and fertilizing and providing week control
There is a tree growing inside the scotch pine located just East of the East side monument which needs to be removed. Cleaning up the overgrown greenery inside the monuments, and later making other planting improvements inside the monuments, was also discussed.
Rusted out Mailbox
Mary Hill reported she had forwarded a picture of the rusted-out mailbox in Zone 1 to the Postmaster General, and as a result the box was replaced with a new postal receptacle.
She is now attempting to have some of the Westar electrical boxes that are also in bad condition, replaced.
Old Business:
The proposed contract from the HOA Management Company, previously provided to the board, was discussed.
Phil Iwinski moved and Keith Stutzman seconded that we sign a 12-month contract beginning July 1, 2017, with the HOA Management Company, motion carried.
Our insurance is due soon and it is hoped that by signing an agreement with the HOA Management Company we may be able to reduce our insurance expense. The management company would also be the point of contact for the homeowners for ALL COMPLAINTS.
It is anticipated that the HOA Management company then would do all the preparation for the annual meeting, send out notices, notice of dues, etc.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
The next meeting will July 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Mary Hill, Secretary

April 2017 Board Meeting Minutes


Rainbow Lakes West III

HOA Board Meeting

16 April 2017


The regular meeting of the subject board was called to order at 7:06 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.


Board members in attendance:

Phil Iwinski

Mary Hill

Agnes Johnson

Brad Sweet

Guests in attendance

Debra Iwinski

In the absence of the President and Vice President, Brad Sweet Secretary chaired the meeting.

Minutes of the March 2017 meeting were approved as printed.

Treasurers report:

Balance on Hand in checking $7067.53

Savings $26,996.07

Phil reported that 11 members have outstanding balances with the HOA.  A discussion followed on collecting these monies.  Since we do not have a Zone 3 or 5 rep it has fallen to the Treasurer to try and be the point of contact for collection of their outstanding dues.

The President has sold his home and moving out of State, Brad Sweet was nominated for President.  Motion carried.  Mary Hill was nominated for Secretary, Motion carried.

Brad identified several topics of discussion that remain open, and a discussion of each followed:

  • 135th Street Entry identification – tabled until further notice
  • Status actions on the Covenants – work in progress.
  • Status on possibly hiring a management firm for day to day operation of the HOA

o   Phil stated he hear that the HOA Management Company we had previously visited with has been acquired by Builder’s Inc, and they are the ONLY company left in town who does property management.  Mary Hill will contact them about attending our Board meeting and provide information on their services and associated costs.

o   Phil will contact Sarah Stolz about auditing the books of the Association.

  • Grading, reseeding and installing a sprinkler system on the community property on Forestview. Awaiting bids.

o   Mary showed the board member pictures of the electrical boxes on the back of the West Monument at the Maple Street Entrance.  They are corroded/rusting out and should be considered for immediately repair/replacement.  She has contacted three electrical companies for bids.

Brad will contact Waste Management about placing a dumpster on the community property located on Forestview on May 8 thru 15.  Notice will be provided to the membership once we know what items are Not accepted.

Mary reported that Jolene Campbell, Kara Franks and Agnes Johnson have agreed to serve as the Neighborhood Garage Sale coordinators.  Dates for this event are May 25, 26 and 27.  Each homeowner wishing to participate is required to obtain their own city license, and post same on their premises.  Signs will be prepared and placed in strategic locations throughout the RlWIII neighborhood to notify the membership of the upcoming event, plus e-mails will be forwarded to those persons with an address on file.

Mary will contact Ascension Lutheran Church about hosting the Annual Meeting (September 16), in anticipation of a large attendance, due to a potential discussion of hiring a management firm and raising the dues to cover the cost.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary