May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date May 21, 2018

Attendees (check if in attendance)
Brad Sweet (president) Kenny Hughes
Agnes Johnson Terri Wolfe (HOA MS)
Jana Pote (secretary) Mary Hill
Dee Means

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

1. April meeting minutes Brad
Read and approved last board meeting minutes

2. President’s report Brad
• Covenants are on hold pending volunteer committee report. Becky Kennedy and Bev Smiley, cochairs, will report to the board at the June meeting.
• Current vote count after receiving mailed ballots: 31 – YES, 25 – NO
• May 5th” tree removal and mowing from common area complete; Brad will check to see if more needs to be done to improve water flow.
• No Dumping signs in process
• Homeowner at 132 N. Rainbow Lakes Rd. – question about mowing common area; covenants state that homeowners must mow lake lots to the lake. Board viewed a large aerial photo map provided by the city; Mary will check to see if we can obtain a more current photo map.
• Unpaid HOA dues: board will to begin lien or collection process for any dues two or more years overdue.•
3. Treasurer’s report Mary
Mary has signed the required forms to all bank to send statements to HOAMS.
Finances are in good shape.

4. Zone rep reports Agnes, Kenny
• Agnes: concerns about activity in the neighborhood
• Kenny: concerned about loose gravel on street since road crews finished. A windshield has been broken and a homeowner has slipped as a result of the gravel being on the street. Kenny will call the city to request that they finish cleanup.

5. HOA Management Terri
• Next inspections will be Thursday.
• Tried to contact Sunflower Directory – no response.•
6. Old business Brad
• Community Garage Sales – see website for details; suggested that we schedule this for the 3rd week of May next year to coincide more closely with nearby neighborhood sales. Agnes will post the signs prior to the date of the sale.
• Large roll-off dumpsters are scheduled for June 8-18. An empty dumpster will be swapped out on the 13th or 14th.
• Keith Mann helped so much with the tree removal in May that Brad asked the board to approve giving him a gift card to thank him. Mary made a motion to approve purchase of a gift card; Jana seconded the motion; the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
• The board received a proposal from a local trash company regarding new low rates. This was discussed but there was no decision.
• Process for amending the new covenant revision proposals after hearing from the volunteer committee:
*committee chair will bring suggestions from committee
*board will determine whether/how to integrate those suggestions
*new covenant proposal will be mailed or hand-delivered to all homeowners
*zone reps will be asked to host zone meetings OR go door-to-door to answer any questions
(Note to board: Debi and Jason Schuber have agreed to host the Zone 3 meeting since we have no Zone 3 rep.)
*new special meeting date will be determined and publicized in a timely fashion.
• Concerned about how to better communicate with homeowners:
*Every homeowner should be checking the website.
*Does the board think a printed newsletter would be helpful? Some discussion about cost/delivery; or it could be emailed. No decision was made.
*Would a Facebook page be more accessible?
• The next HOA board election will be for three officers, with only one remaining officer still having the one-year remainder of her term to serve. The board is concerned that it is extremely difficult to find volunteers to serve on the board.

The next board meeting will take place June 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

A big THANK YOU to these guys who spent last Saturday cutting and clearing trees at the west end of the lake. It was a big job, and we are grateful for their time and hard work!
Pictured from left to right:
Kenny Hughes, David Pote, Lynn Guinn, Dave Mattingly, Keith Mann (kneeling), and Alfonso Cavallaro
Not pictured: Brad Sweet, James Johnson

Minutes: Special HOA Meeting May 3, 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Special Meeting
Thursday, May 3, 2018
—- 135th Str. N

I. Meeting was called to order by HOA board president Brad Sweet at 7:03 p.m.
II. President shared the definition of covenants and by-laws, the history of the HOA’s work on revisions to the covenants, and briefly reviewed the changes proposed to the covenants.
III. Concerns raised during open floor resident covenant review:
a. Becky Kennedy
i. Clause 2 Section C: Written approval from ACC for new house plans
ii. Clause 3 Section G: Requirement of written approval for improvements – if not given in writing within 30 days of submitting request, approval is automatic.
iii. Clause 2 Section G: Bi-weekly inspection by HOA Management Services inconsistent with 72- hour car parking limit
iv. Clause 2 Section O: Fencing height requirement will cause 4’ fences to join with new 5’ fences
v. Clause 2 Section S: $50 fine per occurrence of noncompliance, $500 max per month
vi. Clause 3 Section C: spelling error “aMicah”
vii. Clause 3 Section C: “rate to be established by board of directors” – too non-specific
b. Victoria Kampschroeder
i. Expressed concern about Rodney Wright and HOA Management Services
c. Rick Kampschroeder
i. Expressed concern about Rodney Wright and HOA Management Services
d. Richard Rose
i. Covenants were to be shared with zone reps, mailing list never sent
ii. Expressed concern that homeowners only had 10 days to review amended covenants proposal
e. Alex Hunt
i. Clause 2 Section G: vehicles in driveway, concerned about time allowed; would like to see the wording amended to specify vehicles without current registration or something similar
ii. Clause 3 Section G: concerned about definitions of “painting” and “mass planting.” Would this include touch-up painting? How many plantings are considered a “mass planting”?
f. Jan Geno
i. Clause 2 Section G: vehicles in driveway, concerned about time allowed; driveways are personal property of homeowners
ii. Never had copy of old covenants – was unaware that they are available on the RLW3 website
g. John
i. Clause 2 Section G: vehicles in driveway, concerned about time allowed
h. Patrick Trant
i. Clause 2 Section G: vehicles in driveway; suggested wording amendment to specify vehicles without current registration or vehicles that are inoperable
i. Tom Bohr
i. Concerned that wording of the covenants is “loose”
ii. Covenant revision proposals should have been shared with homeowners sooner
j. Keith Stutzman
i. Board members were elected to make these decisions on behalf of the HOA
IV. Carmen Neth
i. Requested that the meeting be rescheduled until all homeowners have copies of the proposed covenant changes and the old covenants
V. Brad asked for volunteers to assist in modifying the wording in the proposed covenant changes. Volunteers:
• Victoria Kampschroeder
• Rick Kampschroeder
• Bev Smiley
• Becky Kennedy
• Michael Andra
• Carmen Neth
• Jan Geno
• Wade Waterbury
VI. Brad instructed attendees to give ballots to Terri Wolfe and adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

Following the meeting ballots were counted. The vote was 23 yes, 20 no; all members not in attendance who had not submitted written ballots were considered “no” votes. The proposed changes did not pass. Results were announced to attendees still present.

Annual Neighborhood Garage Sales

Annual Neighborhood Sale
Thursday, June 7 – Saturday, June 9
Garage sale permits must be purchased by each homeowner holding a sale. Cost is $2.50 per day with a $1 credit card transaction fee.
To purchase a permit online and host a garage sale, visit .
If you would like to participate and don’t feel you have enough items for a sale, talk to your neighbors about combining items.
A banner and signs will be posted by the HOA.

Covenant Changes Overview

The Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA Board has been working on changes and enhancements to our covenants over the last several months. We recently mailed a copy of the proposed new covenants and we are scheduled to have a meeting regarding the covenants this Thursday evening. The HOA board encourages you to come to the meeting this meeting so we can answer all of your questions, many of which have been misunderstood or misrepresented by a neighbor going door-to-door in our area.

Our sole intent in updating the covenants is to assure that our home values remain steady or increase due to the quality of our upkeep, appearance, and care of our properties. Your HOA board is made up of your neighbors who will also be abiding by these covenants. We would not propose anything that seemed unreasonable or unfair. The covenant changes would ensure that the HOA board could enforce covenants in a timely and effective manner and help enhance the visual appeal of our neighborhood.

We would ask that each homeowner read the proposed changes yourself and refrain from making judgments until you have attended the meeting or have spoken with a board member to hear the reasoning behind the changes.

We will welcome the opportunity to dialogue with you regarding any concerns you may have. Please come with an open mind and the understanding that we only want to improve our neighborhood.
Here is a description of some of the proposed changes that has one neighbor campaigning door-to-door and the thinking behind these changes.

G. No automobile, truck, motorcycle, boat, trailer of any type, camper, recreational vehicle or any other vehicle of any type or description may be stored or permanently, continually or regularly parked on any Building Site or driveway. “Stored, permanently, continually or regularly parked” shall mean parking or storing said vehicle on a Building Site for more then seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. Vehicle repairs other than ordinary light maintenance are not permitted on the Property unless taking place inside of the garage of a Residence.

In summary, this change is to prevent using your home driveways as a storage facility. The objective of this point is to prevent “project cars”, boats, trailers, RVs, etc. from being stored permanently in driveways. As long as you move/drive your vehicles parked on the driveway, there is no issue. –or– If you regularly move your vehicle(s) parked in the driveway it is not an issue. Inspections of the neighborhood are only done once every two weeks. If you have a vehicle, boat, trailer, RV, etc. that sits month after month (or year after year) in your driveway, we feel it detracts from the look of the neighborhood and hurts everyone’s property values.

M. Each Owner shall keep and maintain all Building Sites and all Improvements therein or thereon, in good order and repair including, by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, the seeding, watering and mowing of all lawns, the pruning and cutting of all trees, shrubbery and plantings, and the painting(or other appropriate external care) of all Improvements, all in a manner and with such frequency as in consistent with good property management in relation to the high quality residential neighborhood to be developed on the Property. Owners of Lots adjacent to lakes shall be required to maintain such Lots all the way to the water’s edge to include planting or seeding grass, mowing, watering, trimming and weed control.

In summary, this change documents what has been a verbal rule for many years. The objective is to put this into writing instead of just word-of-mouth. If you have a lake lot, you maintain the grass up to the water’s edge of the lake.

S. Notice of non-compliance and hearing. The Board of Directors or their agent shall have the authority to determine compliance with this Declaration. Upon receipt of an allegation of a Lot’s non-compliance, the Board of Directors shall review the allegations and determine if action is necessary. If the Board of Directors determines that action is necessary, the Owner of the Lot shall be notified in writing of the allegation and the Owner shall have ten (10) days to request a hearing with the Board of Directors to dispute the allegations. If the Owner fails to respond to the notification with ten (10) days, or after a hearing, the Board of Directors determines the Owner’s dispute of the allegation is without merit, the board or its agent shall notify the Owner in writing of the Board of Directors’ determination of non-compliance. The Owner shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice of non-compliance to bring the Lot into compliance, determination of compliance to be the Board of Directors’ sole discretion.

In summary, this gives homeowners that are cited for being out of compliance a chance to present their case to the HOA Board. It outlines the number of days to make changes based on the citation and/or number of days to meet with the HOA Board.

S-1 Damages for breach of Declaration. In the event the Lot is not in compliance within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice of non compliance, the Owner shall pay the Association an amount equal to $50 per occurrence of non-compliance issues from the date of the notice of non-compliance, not to exceed $500 per month of non-compliance, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages for the Owner’s breach of the Declaration.

In summary, this gives the HOA the ability to levy a fine for those homeowners that refuse to comply with the covenants. Without this section, the HOA can only ask an owner to make changes. If the homeowner refuses, there is nothing more the HOA Board can do.

The changes in our covenants have been reviewed and approved by HOA Management company which manages and reviews covenants of over 160+ Wichita area HOA’s. In addition, the proposed covenants have been review by an attorney that specializes in HOA covenants. The HOA board has been working for years to enhance and improve our covenants making them similar to other Wichita HOA’s. We are happy to finally have covenants at Rainbow Lakes West 3rd which are similar to other west-side HOAs.

Finally, the changes proposed to our covenants are standard with most other Wichita HOA’s covenants. If you want to read other HOA’s covenants, here are a few links.
The Moorings –
Forest Lakes –
Auburn Hills –

Board Meeting Minutes April 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date April 16, 2018

Attendees (check if in attendance)
Brad Sweet (president) Mary Hill (treasurer)
Agnes Johnson Kara Smith (HOA MS)
Jana Pote (secretary) Kenny Hughes

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

Agenda items
1. Approval of March minutes Brad
Address of meeting corrected
2. Secretary’s report Jana
Note changed date of special meeting for approval of covenant revisions:
• May 3 @ 7:00 pm
• At the fire station at 21st and 135th street
3. Treasurer’s report Mary
Finances are in good condition. Question about whether to close account at Intrust and move funds to savings account, but we will wait until after the annual meeting in September to decide this.
4. Zone rep reports Kenny, Agnes
Kenny: Street signs in the neighborhood have been changed to indicate North/South. Thanks, Kenny, for making the call and getting this taken care of!
Agnes: Concerned about neighborhood crime, particularly about a recent event at the rental property near the front entrance. The board again discussed the fact that this property must cease being a rental house upon its next sale or change of ownership.
5. HOA Management Services Kara
Discussed covenant revision process
Finances look good3
Inspection report – essentially the same as before
Neighborhood directory is still in progress. The directory publishing company apologizes for the delay.
6. Special meeting to approve revised covenants Brad/Kara
Meeting date: Thursday, May 3
Location: Fire Station #21, 21st and 135th Street (2110 N 135th St W)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
• The mailing (including voting ballot and covenant revisions) has been mailed to all homeowners soon in order to allow adequate time to meeting agenda review them before the meeting.
• The board wishes to emphasize that the purpose of the revisions is to clarify wording, to bring covenants into alignment with state statutes, and to protect property values.
• This meeting will be for the sole purpose of discussing and voting to approve the revised covenants. Discussion of any other HOA business will take place at the annual meeting in September.
7. New business Brad
• A homeowner has requested that the board look into removing some of the dead trees and brush at the west end of the lake. She feels it is a fire hazard. David Pote and the board will determine which trees to remove. HOA Management will get the bids from contractors for the tree removal. `
• Neighborhood garage sales will be June 7-9.
• A large roll-off dumpster will be placed in the commons area across from 125 S. Forestview over two weekends in June. Dates to be announced.
The next board meeting will take place May 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Board Meeting Minutes March 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date Mar. 19, 2018

Brad Sweet (president) Ken Hughes
Agnes Johnson
Michael Wise
Mary Hill
Al Cavallaro

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Agenda items
1. Review of February meeting minutes Brad
February board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
2. President’s report Brad
Dues review with HOA and liens. Final notice and lien approved.
3 months plus 30 days, then lien.
5-0 approved
3. Zone rep reports
• Zone 1 – none
• Zone 2 – street signs
• Zone 3 – none
• Zone 4 – none
4. HOA Mangagement Kara
• Covenants complete
• On hold – landscaping
• Directory mailing address update; deliveries and cost
5. Revised covenants Kara
Special meeting for covenant updates at fire station, 21st 135th
***UPDATE 4/16/18: Date to be announced; homeowners will be receiving a packet of information soon! Meeting will be sometime in early May.
Delivery proxy and ballot
Approval by sections; approved by sending proxy and ballots by mail (HOAMS)
By-laws discussion
HOAMS will complete mailing by end of the week.

The next board meeting will take place Monday, Apr. 16 at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date Feb. 26, 2018

Brad Sweet (president) Keith Stutzman David Pote
Agnes Johnson Kara Smith (HOA Management Services)
Jana Pote (secretary) Kenny Hughes
Mike Wise Dee Means

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dee Means, 115 N. Rainbow Lakes Rd.

Agenda items
1. Review of January meeting minutes Brad
January board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
2. President’s report Brad
Nothing new to discuss

3. Secretary’s report Jana
Nothing new to discuss

4. Treasurer’s report Kara
Kara reported that our financial statement looks good and that our account balance is healthy.

5. Zone rep reports Agnes, Kenny
• Agnes is concerned about the amount of trash in the ditch by the front entrance.
• Kenny would like to request that the city add “N” and “S” designations to the neighborhood street signs indicating North and South Forestview to prevent confusion. The board asked him to place the call to the city to request those changes. He also asked for clarification regarding the hiring of HOA Management Services.

6. Mowing contract David Pote
HOA MS would like to have a hard copy of a contract for mowing services; one will be provided. In past years the agreement has only been verbal. The current mowing contract is for two years, 2018 being the final year of this contract.
David also clarified the areas which the board has hired him to care for and discussed additional services he has provided to the HOA through the years.

7. Revised covenants Kara
We briefly discussed the final revisions that have been made. A motion was made to accept the revisions; it passed.
We discussed how to educate the HOA members about the revisions. Kara will put together a mailing which will include a cover letter, agenda for the informational meeting, a proxy vote for each household, a mail-in ballot, and a copy of the amended covenants. Mailing will be ready to send by Mar. 15. At this time an informational meeting is planned for Tues., Mar. 27, but this date may change.

The next board meeting will take place Monday, Mar. 19 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.