Rainbow Lakes West Board Meeting 10/19/20

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

Members in attendance:
Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Mary Hill, Agnes Johnson, Ken Hughes, Megan Elpers, Lyn Guinn, Mark Stolz and Robin Morris (HOA Mgmt).

Minutes of the September meeting were approved

.Election of Officers for 2020-2021:
Michael Ball, President
Teresa Powell, Vice President
Mark Stolz, Secretary
Lyn Guinn, Treasurer.
For information purposes the Zone Reps for 2020-2021 are: Agnes Johnson, Zone 1, Megan Elpers, Zone 2, Sandra Zeh, Zone 3, Zone 4 – none identified Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5.
Megan Elpers reported on the October 31 Meet and Treat Social planned for community property. Flyers have been delivered to all homeowners and information posted on our Facebook site, and on all mail receptacles.

Mary Hill reported that the ACC had received a request for the installation of solar panels to a home in our community. This is not addressed in our covenants.
Robin Morris was asked to provide information on what other HOAs are using a guide. A draft of proposed guidelines for our association was provided and discussed. The ACC will meet and prepare a final draft of guidelines for presentation to the Board of Directors for approval at the November meeting.

Mowing of commons ground. Robin will check and verify the cost to mow the community property. We believe the agreement is that he will mow the area east of 135th Street North of Maple 3 times in 2020-2021 for a cost of $350 per mowing. Robin was asked to verify this information.

Lawn Sprinkler maintenance: The sprinkler system at the Maple Street entrance is a self-draining system located under the bridge on the west side.

Ken Hughes asked if there was paint available to paint the backside of the monument where the sprinkler controller was previously located. He will try and match the paint to paint this area to match the rest of the monument which was recently moved higher on the back of the monument when it was replaced. The controller had failed due to age and exposure to water and the elements.

Lake aerators: We were notified that the aerator at the east end of Reserve A is now and has not been working for 2 months. Dave Dauffenbach was contacted by Keith Stutzman to see what is wrong with the electrical system. This is the only system that has not been replaced or repaired.

Rip-Rap Policy: It was brought up at the annual meeting that there are areas along Reserve A where there is virtually no rip-rap left in place. It was pointed out that there was never any rip-rap installed behind one residence because railroad ties had been placed at the water’s edge by the homeowner when the home was originally built. Thru the years area children throwing rocks onto the ice on the lake reduced some of this rip-rap. It was suggested that perhaps we should have a retrieval party, and let the children get into the lake and with supervision put the rocks back along the edge. Robin was directed to obtain information on companies providing rip-rap services and the associated costs

.Robin Morris requested direction on delivery of the amendment to the covenants approved at the annual meeting. It was agreed to provide an email copy to those with internet service and a paper copy sent to homeowners without internet service.

Robin will prepare a newsletter providing a copy of the approved covenant amendment and information on the October 31 social.

Michael Ball ask for information on the liability coverage for the HOA property and the Board of Directors.

We were reminded that action on updates to the area No Trespassing signs needs to reviewed next year, to add “A Covenant Community” to the signs.

We will develop plans for future community events after the first of the year. The Board does not typically meet in December.The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:15 p.m.The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. November 16th, at the home of Mary Hill.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

Minutes of September 19, 2020 Annual Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 11:15 a.m. on community property. It was moved, seconded and passed that the agenda be approved.

Jolene Kaufman and Jana Pote were appointed as tellers for this meeting. Keith Stuzman was appointed timekeeper for this meeting.

The tellers reported that there were 25 homeowners in attendance, and 15 proxy votes registered.

The president summarized information he has learned this past year about use of the community property surrounding the lake, and limitations imposed by FEMA, the Corp of Engineers, City of Wichita, etc.
He also addressed the homeowners participation in the trash service offered by Waste Connections. It was suggested that if you wish to change and your current provider is assessing a fee to pick up the trash container, that perhaps neighbors could pool their resoures and several carts could be returned, eliminating that cost. A beaver was causing damage to trees on Reserve A, but we believe it was trapped by Breezy Point. Brad Sweet located its hut at the West end of Reserve A and destroyed it. We had to replace/repair the aerators on Reserve A as they were making a great deal of noise. Mowed the West end of Reserve A abutting 135th street, will be done 2 times this year and possibly 3 next year depending on growth.

Mary Hill reporting for Brad Sweet, Treasurer;
2018-2019 Total Income $22,142.47,
Total Disbursements $21,015.01.
2019-2020 (to date) Total Income $22,389.38
Total Disbursements (thru 8/31/20) $21,948.34.
Mary moved that the proposed budget for 2020-2021 be approved, the motion was seconded and passed.

Lynn Guinn and Mark Stolz volunteered to fill the two 2-year positions open on the Board. They were elected unanimously. The 2020-2021 Board members are Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Lynn Guinn and Mark Stolz.

Megan Elpers will replace Ken Hughes as the representative for Zone 2.

Zone reps for the remaining zones are Agnes Johnson Zone 1, Sandra Zeh for Zone 3 and Jeff Hoetmer for Zone 5. Zone 4 has no representative.

Mary Hill moved to correct the paperwork required to file the proposed amendment by striking out August and inserting September on line 3 of the official paperwork. The motion was seconded and passed.

Results of the vote on the proposed amendment to Clause II, paragraph F are: 37 in favor and 3 not in favor. The amendment passed by 92%. The proxies and tellers report will be filed with the official record.

Items discussed in the open forim included provide a listing of homeowners on our website. Consideration of replacing lost riprap at the SE corner of Reserve A; possibiity of an area wide garage sale, and the possibility of a tree/yard waste collection. The last item suggested was that the Board again look at the possibiity of a swimming pool on community property.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:15 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary

Correction to the proposed Amendment to the Covenants

You should have received in todays’ mail a copy of the annual dues statement and the information regarding the annual meeting including a proposed amendment to the covenants.

Please be aware,the first word in the third line of the proposed amendment should have read SEPTEMBER 2020, not August 2020.

A proposed amendment,to the amendment, will be made at the annual meeting to correct this typograpical error.

Minutes of HOA Board Meeting August 19, 2020

The meeting was called order at 7:05 p.m.
Members in Attendance:
Michael Ball, President
Marty Hill, Secretary
Sandra Zeh
Agnes Johnson
Ken Hughes
Jeff Hoetmer
Ashey Derrett, HOA Mgmt Services

Minutes of the July meeting were approved.

There were no reports from the HOA board members.

The annual meeting agenda and attachments were reviewed and corrections made thereto.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA Juy 20, 2020 Board Meeting

Members in Attendance:
Mike Ball, President Mary Hill, Secretary
Agnes Johnson Sandra Zeh (Facetime)
Jeff Hoetmer Ashley Derrett, HOA Mgmt
Meeting called to order at 7 10 p.m.

Minutes of the June meeting were approved.

Officer/Zone Rep Reports: None

Old Business:
Compliance Issues: It was moved seconded and passed that the letter written by President Mike Ball be forwarded to Account Holder 48982 regarding one long standing non-compliance issue.

Ashley was directed to work with Rodney in proposing a one sentence amendment to the covenants associated with this non-compliance issue; forwarding the proposed sentence to the attorney for review, to insure we can resolve this issue.

Annual Meeting Location: It was proposed that we hold the annual meeting on our community property on South Forestview St. Reason for the change is the COVID-19 Virus makes us all nervous about maintaining social distance but allowing the HOA to take care of necessary business. It was moved seconded and passed that the meeting be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday September 19th. Motion carried. Members will bring their own lawn chairs.

The meeting notice will be posted on our Facebook Account to provide advance notice of the change.

New Business:
The person contracted to mow the west end of Reserve A proposed that we mow 3 times per year and he would reduce the mowing fee to $375. It was moved, seconded and passed that for the present we mow 2 times per year for $400 each mowing. We can always change to 3 times if this proves inadequate. Motion carried.

The next meeting will be Monday August 17 at 7 p.m. at 1t 7 p.m. at 142 S. Forestview St.

Mary Hill, Secretary

Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Board Meeting June 17, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview St. Members in attendance: Michael Ball, President Teresa Powell, Vice President Brad Sweet, Treasurer Mary Hill, Secretary Agnes Johnson, Zone Ken Hughes, Zone 2 Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 4 Ashley Derrett, HOA Mgmt Minutes of the last meeting February 17, 2020, were approved as printed. President Mike reported: Work on the project at 158 S Forestview Court approved by the Board in January has resumed construction. The aeration pumps n the lake have been repaired/replaced and are in good (silent) working order. Dave Dauffenbach was instrumental in completing this project and was asked to check the pump on Reserve B, since we have never done any work on it. Beaver damage to trees around Reserve A had been reported and investigated. Breezy Point HOA hired a trapper who captured a beaver, and Brad Sweet destroyed the beaver hut on Reserve A (west end). We believe this was the beaver causing all the damage. Lake side homeowners are asked to monitor their trees and let the Board know if additional damage is found. The Board discussed and ask for input on a neighborhood garage sale. The event was cancelled due to lack of interest by the homeowners. The trailer issue at 140 N. Forestview Ct was resolved and the non-compliance issue was closed. The neighborhood clean-up week was changed to debris chipper (tree limb cleanup) and then cancelled. The non-compliance issue at 144 N. Forestview Ct is still on going. The March, April and May board meetings were cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus. The individuals who purchased the home at 128 N. Forestview Ct live in Italy; they were not allowed to travel out of the country, nor into the USA. The Board approved a waiver for the owner to lease the property thru the end of the year. Mike will take the action to follow up on this activity. Treasurer, Brad Sweet, reported we are over the budget due to non-payment of HOA dues on 4 accounts (48984, 48926, 49030 and 48939); and Attorney fees involving one non-compliance issue. There are a couple of accounts (48997 and 48982) who owe late fees of less than $10. He intends to forgive those balances with the Boards approval. Balance on Hand: $22,975.79 ($15,182.92 deposited in Intrust Bank Savings Account) Old Business: No Trespassing Signs, after a discussion, it was moved and seconded that this action be moved to the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Motion carried. Fall Cleanup: It was moved, seconded and passed that the fall cleanup will Not take place this year. Beaver damage was discussed under the President’s report. New Business: The annual meeting is been scheduled for September 19 at 1:00 p.m. at Fire Station 21, 21st and 135th Street West. The sprinklers at the Maple Street entrance were reported inoperative. David Pote was requested to investigate, and it now appears they are working. We contracted with a service to mow the west end of Reserve A (east of 135th Street), This project has been completed to our satisfaction. It was moved and seconded that we initiate a 2 year contract (2020-2022) with this provider to mow twice year (June and September/October) for $400 per mowing. Ashey will contact the provider to initiate this action. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Next meeting is July 20 @ 7 p.m. at 142 S. Forestview St. Mary Hill, Recording Secretary

Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Board Meeting February 17, 2020

Members in attendance:
Mike Ball, President; Teresa Powell, Vice President; Brad Sweet, Treasurer; Mary Hill, Secretary; Agness Johnson, Zone 1, Ken Hughes, Zone 2, Sandra Zeh, Zone 3, Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 4; Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt

Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Minutes of the January meeting were approved as printed.

Treasurer reported a Total Assets of $28,205.27. Our total expenditures for the month of January were $767.64. He further reported that he had not made contact with the two outstanding balance account holders, nor had he taken the action to move the checking account assets at Intrust Banak to the Money Market Fund. He will endeavor to accompish this before the next meeting.

It was pointed out that the new Resident List is shown on a page in the financial report by the same name. It identifies the new owner of the property at 236 S Forestview Ct. Zone reps should monitor this information for information on their respective zones.

Old Business:
A discussion regarding the damage to trees on the reserves resulted in a motion that we purchase chcken wire to wrap the trunk of trees on the reserve to provide protection for the beavers, not to exceed $150.00. Motion carried. Brad Sweet and Ken Hughes will take the necessary action to procure the chicken wire and associated hardware and wrap the tree trunks. If the tree is heavily damaged we will arrange to have the tree cut down.

New Business:
Upcoming events were discussed with the following decisions.
This year we will host a tree mulching service to homeowners. This is the result of the number of tree limbs and material that were put in the dumpster last year. We will accept tree limbs and tree waste material only which the homeowners may locate on the community property on South Forestview, on May 16 and 17. We will then have a vendor mulch the material for removal from community property.

We will make contact with the HOA’s in close proximity (Auburn Hills, Maple Dunes, Pineridge, Breezy Point) regarding their planned dates for a community garage sale. We will schedule our sale based on the information we receive about their plans for this event. This will increase the amount of traffic that is generated for each of the HOAs.

Mowing of West end of Reserve A. It was brought up at the annual meeting that this area is in need of maintenance. We have one bid and will attempt to obtain at least one more before we proceed with action on this request. The first bid was for $400.

Once all these subject (community garage sale, tree debris removal and mowing of West end of Reserve A) are coordinated, a newsletter will be prepared and forwarded to the members.

The next meeting will be held on March 16 at 142 S Forestview St. at 7 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Mary Hill Secretary

Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Board Meeting January 2020

Minutes of
Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA Board Meeting
January 20, 2020

Michael Ball, President Mary Hill, Secretary
Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5 Agnes Johnson, Zone 1
Brad Sweet, Treasurer Ken Hughes, Zone 2
Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

The minutes of the November, 2019 meeting were approved as printed.

The President’s report was deferred to Old Business.
Brad Sweet reported a Balance on hand (all assets) of: $28,812.78.
There are 11 homeowners with unpaid assessments, two of which owe $320.00.
It was agreed that we would write-off the $1.25 late fee on 4 homeowner accounts.
It was also agreed that we will close out the Intrust Bank checking account and move the remaining funds in our Intrust Bank money market savings account, to earn more interest.
I was agreed that we will reach out to our two members with $320 outstanding dues in an effort to collect these funds.

It had previously been reported that two of the Areators may have problems (excessive noise). ESI (Dave Dauffenbach) recommended that we replace these two areators for a total cost of approximately $2000. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to replace the two areators. We will then have three (3) new areators working on Reserve A.

Compliance letters will go out tomorrow to all homeowners who are in violation of the covenants regarding trailers, vendor signs and trash cans .

It was reported that there is Beaver activity on Reserve A. Following a lengthy discussion, Ashley was directed to prepare an email for distribution to the members regarding this beaver activity on Reserve A. Mike will provide additional information to be included in the e-mail.

The next meeting will be February 17, 2020 at 7 p.m. at 142 S. Forestview St.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary

Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Bd Mtg 11/18/2019

Michael Ball, President                                           Mary Hill, Secretary

Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5                                              Agnes Johnson, Zone 1

Teresa Powell                                                           Brad Sweet, Treasurer

Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt                                      Wade Waterbury

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wade Waterbury reported when notified of his non-compliance with the covenants, he installed pickets on his gate to the backyard where the car has been stored.  He then called Ashley to report this action and was informed that he cannot just install a fence without approval of the ACC.  He was instructed to fill out a DRC form and submit for approval to the ACC.  A discussion followed and the consensus was he should submit the form for approval but expect it to be denied because his lot does not qualify for a privacy fence situation.  His lot is identified as a lake lot in the covenants.  He was informed the ACC Board would respond to his DRC request soon.  He was informed the best solution would be to get the car in running order, provide the required documentation, and park the vehicle in his driveway.

The minutes of the October 21, 2019 meeting were approved.

The President’s report was deferred to Old Business.

Brad Sweet reported a Balance on hand (all assets) of:  $31,113.08.

There are 23 homeowners with unpaid assessments, two of which owe $320.00.

Old Business:

President Mike provided a brief description of the meeting with the homeowner at 158 S. Forestview Ct and the resultant meeting of the Board and ACC members on November 11.  After a lengthy discussion, and review of the Attorneys response to our questions, additional actions were noted for a response from the homeowner.  Ashley Derret was directed to obtain estimates for the backfill of the terrain to the retaining wall (either as proposed, or if required, to backfill back to the property line).  The retaining wall, as proposed, we believe, would be at an elevation of 1325, which is 1 foot below the flood plain of 1326.  The engineering documents previously provided do not provide the elevation information. 

New Business:

Teresa Powell was elected Vice President.

It was moved and seconded that following the second compliance review, in January 2020, those homeowners in violation of the covenants will be so notified in writing.  Motion Carried.

The next meeting will be January 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. at 142 S. Forestview St.  The exception may be a meeting for additional review of requested information regarding the project at 158 S. Forestview Ct.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary

Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Board Meeting



Mike Ball                                                     Mary Hill

Brad Sweet                                                 Agnes Johnson

Ken Hughes                                                 Jeff Hoetmer

Sandra Zeh                                                  Al Cavallaro                                                

Ashley Derret                                              Rick & Bev Smiley

Jana Pote

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S Forestview St.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the September meeting.  Motion carried.

New Business:

Mike Ball was elected President;  Mary Hill was elected Secretary and  Brad Sweet was elected Treasurer.

It was moved and seconded that an Electronic copy and the original signed copy of the new Covenants will be permanently filed at HOA Management Services.  A copy will be provided to be Brad for publishing on the Website.  Each board member has already been provided an electronic copy.  Motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that we collect an initiation fee of $100 from new homeowners; the funds to be placed in the Reserve A and B maintenance fund.  Motion carried.  This action is authorized by the new covenants.

A lengthly discussion of the ongoing improvement project at 158 S. Forestview Ct. was conducted.  We called the homeowner (who was out of town) and asked questions.  It was concluded that the Board needs to meet with the homeowner, and the date of Monday October 29 at 5:00 p.m. was confirmed.  The project has a stop work order because the concrete contractor did not pull a city permit.  

It was moved and seconded that the non-compliant issue with 106 S. Forestview Ct. will be allowed to continue because of previous documented approvals from the board.  Motion carried.  Ashley will contact the attorney for direction on filing this non-compliant approval with the Register of Deeds office. 

There was a lengthy discussion on how to deal with the problem of non-compliance issues; some have been a problem for a long time, others are a problem because of the newly approved Protective Covenants.  Should the Board start sending non-compliance letters immediately, or should we act more slowly by working with the worst offenders first?  There will be further discussion at the next meeting.  Ashley was directed to prepare a newsletter reminding homeowners that with passage of the new Protective Covenants, they could be in violation e.g. cars and trailers permanently stored on the property, trash cans stored in front of garage doors, etc. 

The next meeting will be November 18 at 7p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S Forestview St.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Mary Hill

Mary Hill, Secretary