July 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

July 2023 HOA Meeting

Meeting started at 6:05 pm , July 10th, 2023 at Steven Fuller’s house.

Board Members in attendance, Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Alfonso Cavellaro, Jeff Hoetmer, Keith Stutsman

Officer Reports:

President – Nothin
Vice President – Not Present
Secretary – Nothing
Treasurer – Insurance Cost + Bid for 2024

Zone Rep Reports

– Nothing

Business Discussion

June meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

No news on breaker status for aerators. Aerator on reserve A appears to be floating, Michael will request that Dave check on aerators and breaker. He will also request a bill for his work.

A contract from HOA management was received, and the board will review it by the next meeting.

A new HOA manager has been assigned to our HOA.

The newsletter has been approved to be sent out in color.

There wil be a workday August 19th, Michael will call a meeting of the volunteers prior to the workday. The workday will be from 8 to 10 am.

Finances were reviewed and are in order. Notices are to be sent homes with past due dues.

The board has decided to remove the bushes from the south Forestview St. entrance to make maintenance easier. It was also decided that the lights on the monuments should be updated to white light LEDs if possible.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm. The next meeting will be at Agnes Johnson’s home, 229 S Forestview St. August 14th, at 6pm.

June 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

June 2023 HOA Meeting

Meeting started at 6:14 pm , June 12th, 2023 at Agnes Johnson’s house.

Board Members in attendance, Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Alfonso Cavellaro, Keith Stutsman, Brad Sweet

Residents in attendance: Joseph and Kalie Beckman

Officer Reports:

President – Nothin
Vice President – Not Present
Secretary – Nothing
Treasurer – Nothing

Zone Rep Reports

1 – Need to put the approval form for work on the website.

Business Discussion

March meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

Discussion of a potential Rental at the end of Forestview St.

Discussion of the need to take care of more trees in the communal area, we will address them at a later date.

Requests for new monuments at the entrances, with the addition of a “This is a covenant community” placard. – To discuss further at the July meeting.

Aerators – New quieter pumps have been installed, it was noted that there is aa bad breaker on one of the reserve A pumps.

Planned work day of August 19th to handle downed trees.

HOA Management is to get pricing on weed spraying for the communal areas.

Motion to approve the new Waste connections contract, however we are requesting that they potentially lower the % of community joined to 75% so we can make use of a yearly dumpster.

HOA Management has been requested to gather a list of homes that are not with Waste connections currently.

The Board has requested to review a new contract with the HOA Management company.

It was noted that the annual meeting is quickly approaching in September. We will need new board members as Teresa is no longer a resident and Michael will be stepping down.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 pm. The next meeting will be at Steven Fuller’s Home, 142 S Forestview St. July 10th, at 6pm.

March 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

March 2023 HOA Meeting

Meeting started at 6:41pm , March 13th, 2023 at Agnes Johnson’s house.

Board Members in attendance, Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Jeff Hoetmer

Officer Reports:

President – Work day may 6th, Plan is to sometime in April an email will be sent out to plan a walkabout for work to do on the 6th.

Vice President – Not Present

Secretary – Nothing

Treasurer – Rod Iron fence (lake facing). Possible questions around the height requirements for the fence. Need to check covenants.

Zone Rep Reports

1 – Confirmed 150 S forestview CT. Alpers Yard work meets covenants.

Business Discussion

Al – 111 N forestview want’s new roofing approved.

HOA Management were not present, so we will discuss aerators next month

Dave Duffenbach will look at the non-functional outlet on the monument. Has also ordered 2 new aerators, when the first aerator arrives, it will immediately be installed behind Willy’s Home.

Noted that one of the aerators is currently above the water in western end of reserve A.

Mike has written a letter addressed to Maple Dunes discussing two of their residents, requesting that they refrain from fishing in our lake. The letter was approved unanimously by everyone present.

Discussion about the newsletter and what needs to go on it. Mike will work with Brad on that.

New Business :

Contract for 2 years of mowing. Mow contract is the same as last contract, with a 10% increase in price. It was approved unanimously, and noted that the budget will be updated accordingly.

Discussion about switching the lights for the monuments to brighter, better colored lights. potentially trimming the bushes around the monuments.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:26pm.

February 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lake West Third Addition February 2023

The February 2023 meeting was held at the Sweet residence – 104 N. Forestview Court – at 6:30PM on February 13, 2023. Those in attendance were Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Jeff Hotemer, Agnes Johnson, Brad Sweet, Daniel Fumento and Keith Stutzman. Not in attendance were Steven Fuller and Sandra Zeh. Guests in attendance were ??.

HOA Management is collecting information on ways to lower or eliminate the noise generated by the lake aerators.

Old Business:
Aerator status –
Keith will contact Dave Duffenbach about repairing the old aerators or acquiring new ones. We should have the information by the next meeting.
Keith will contact Dave Duffenbach about repairs to the electrical outlet on the monument at Maple and Forestview Street.

Past due notices-
Late notice for Association dues went out on January 31, Lien notices will be sent on March 1.

New Business: Calendar for 2023 –

There will be no official community garage sale – but we will advertise the date for the Maple Dunes garage sale in the April 1 newsletter.

There will be no advertised neighborhood cleanup day this year.

Three work days are scheduled this year – May 6 (9AM -12PM), August 19 (9AM – 12PM) and November 4 (9AM – 12PM).

The Annual Meeting will be in the late morning of September 16.

HOA Management volunteered to act as editor for an April 1 newsletter. We will be responsible for the content – suggestions included: calendar, advertising card clubs, advertising the free dump coupons available from the city.

Next Meeting:
March 13, 2023, 6:30PM at the Johnson residence (229 S. Forestview Street).

Adjourn: Approximatly 8PM.

January 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

January 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

The January meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Jeff Hoetmer’s home on Monday January 9th, 2023 at 6:31 pm. Members in Attendance: Micheal Ball, Teresa Powell, Jeff Hoetmer, Steven Fuller, Brad Sweet, Dan Fumento. Residents in Attendance included Becky Kennedy.

The November HOA Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Michael reported that the work dat was well attended, trees where trimmed and branches were cleared. He has the item to set up the next work day and put it on the calendar.

Notes for the work day include the need for more tree trimming along with updating the signage for the community.

Jeff reviewed the budget:
– It was noted we are budgeted as negative for the year due to unpaid dues
– Our expense budget was noted as in good conditions since we haven’t had any legal fees recently
– It was noted that the Mowing budget had not been adjusted for 2022 and needs to be adjusted for 2023 so we’re not negative again.
– It was noted that repairs and general maintenance represented as $0, HOA admins will look into this to see if it was a mistake or got allocated to the wrong budget.

Current fines on hold were discussed, One was released by unanimous vote by the board, the other was moved to pursue.

The proposed Zone change north of Rainbow Lakes was noted, Flood concerns were discussed and will be kept in mind should construction happen in that area.

Past due Dues were discussed, HOA managers will send out notices to those that are past due. Concern was brought up whether or not notices had been sent out to anyone past due, HOA managers will look into if notices had been sent out.

Aerator were discussed, Carrie will look into what other communities have done to solve the noise issues.

It was noted that the outlet on the east side monument was not working and needs repairs.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm. The next Board meeting will be held on Monday February 13th at 6:30pm at Brad Sweet’s Home. 104 N Forestview Ct.

November 2022 HOA Meeting Minutes

November 2022 HOA Meeting Minutes

The November meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Agnes Johnson’s home on Monday November 14, 2022 at 6:37pm. Members in Attendance: Micheal Ball, Teresa Powell, Jeff Hoetmer, Steven Fuller, Agnes Johnson, Kieth Stutzmam, Dan Foment. HOA management in attendance – Jana Gibson.

The October HOA Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Financial transactions were reviewed and approved.

It was proposed to fill the following positions and was approved unanimously.
Jeff Hoetmer (currently the Zone 5 Rep) as Treasurer, Kieth Stutzman as the new Zone 5 Rep, and Daniel Fumento as the Zone 4 Rep.

Discussion about the new roof on 280 s Forestview brought up the current rules on roof color and deck adjustments. It was confirmed that the new roof was in line with the covenants.

It was reported that the cat tails have been completely removed. Sprayed and Dug out. We ask all residents to be on the lookout for Cat tails as they’re invasive and we want to take care of them asa they appear.

There was some discussion about the Reserve B aerators. No action on them at the moment.

With the vote to not proceed with the Shiplap replacement, it was mentioned that since the water level is low, we could potentially hire labor to manually move the current shiplap back into position. Jana will look into this.

Jana reported that the sprinklers have been winterized. Compliance issues are down and reviewed the work process of inspection workers.

Current compliance issues were discussed. Fines were issues accordingly.

Mike brought up the need for work for the maintenance committee. He will email the maintenance committee to establish a work day.

Discussion about a fallen tree limb in the communal area around Reserve A. Mike will go investigate and see what needs to be done to resolve the issue.

It was noted that 141 N Forestview Cir. Had been purchased by an LLC. Jana will be sure that the purchasers are aware that the property can not be rented, as outlined in the covenants.

Mike has the task to send a letter concerning grievances to Breezy Lakes.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm. The next Board meeting will be held on Monday January 9th at 6:30pm at Jeff Hoetmer’s Home. 105 N Rainbow Lake Terrace.



October 2022 HOA Meeting Minutes

October 2022 HOA Meeting Minutes

The October meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Teresa Powell’s home on Monday October 10, 2022 at 6:37pm. Members in Attendance: Micheal Ball, Teresa Powell, Jeff Hoetmer, Brad Sweet, Sandra Zen, Steven Fuller, Agnes Johnson. HOA management in attendance – Carrie Draut Jana Gibson.

The September Annual Meeting and October Special Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Officer Elections were held and led by Micheal Ball. Jeff Hoetmer nominated Micheal Ball as President, Michael Ball accepted the nomination, it was voted on and passed with a unanimous vote. Michael Ball nominated Teresa Powell as Vice President, Teresa accepted the nomination, it was voted on and passed with a unanimous vote. Michael Ball nominated Steven Fuller as Secretary, Steven accepted the nomination, it was voted on and passed with a unanimous vote. Greg Heiny was not present so the board agreed to leave the last board position of Treasurer vacant until a proper vote could take place.

Zone Rep reports were then given. Agnes Johnson reported that the home at 280 S Forestview St. had sold and renovations were starting/underway. The owners are aware that it may not be used as a rental property. Brad Sweet reported that the Cat Tails had been sprayed and were dying, he will attempt to pull them out at some point. There was some discussion on finding a potential candidate for the zone 4 rep vacancy. There was discussion about sending an email or letter to all the residents to better inform about community property access following the discussion at the Special Assessment meeting.

During review of the Special Assessment, Michael Ball pointed out that according the the bylaws, Page 2 Section 5, proxy votes were not properly handled prior to the vote. This doesn’t change the results but more care will be taken the next time a vote will occur.

The revised budget for 2022-23 was presented by Michael Ball, a vote was taken and it was approved with a unanimous vote.

Concerns were raised by Michael Ball about inconsistency by the HOA inspectors, the community managers took note and will address the issue with the inspectors. It was noted that the northern section of Rainbow Lakes West 3 gets their trash picked up on Tuesday, because of this, weekly inspections should be moved to Wednesday.

It was brought to the attention of the board that our contract with the HOA management company stipulates that any HOA meetings must start no later 6:30 pm. This has been noted and will be adhered to in the future. It was agreed that monthly HOA meetings will continue to occur the second Monday of every month. Agnes Johnson graciously offered her home for the November Board meeting.

Discussion was had with regards to docks on the lake, specifically who has access to them and can residents run other residents off of docks “on their property”. It was noted by the HOA management company that legally, since the docks are on the community lake, they belong to the community as a whole. Therefore it was specifically noted that no resident has a right to run another resident off a dock that they consider theirs, or built themselves, behind their property. It was also noted that no new docks can be put in without direct approval from the board as a whole.

Concerns about the failure of the special assessment were made. It was noted that other communities in this area had neglected to maintain storm/flood drain ways and the city came in, took control of the issue, and placed hefty special taxes on the homes in said communities. Since this isn’t something we want to happen to our community, there was discussion about having an informational session with the HOA to better explain the need and reason for the revitalization of the lake. There was also discussion about if we should combine the repairs to the lake with a new effort to build a walking path around the lake. We encourage all members of the HOA to attend the board meetings or contact your zone reps to voice opinion about what is wanted for the community by the community. It was noted that should special assessments not be approved, dues may have to be raised over the coming years to accommodate the costs.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. The next Board meeting will be held on Monday Nov. 14th at 6:30pm sat Agnes Johnson’s Home. 229 S Forestview St.