Author: Mary Hill
April 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Rainbow Lakes West III
HOA Board Meeting
16 April 2017
The regular meeting of the subject board was called to order at 7:06 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.
Board members in attendance:
Phil Iwinski
Mary Hill
Agnes Johnson
Brad Sweet
Guests in attendance
Debra Iwinski
In the absence of the President and Vice President, Brad Sweet Secretary chaired the meeting.
Minutes of the March 2017 meeting were approved as printed.
Treasurers report:
Balance on Hand in checking $7067.53
Savings $26,996.07
Phil reported that 11 members have outstanding balances with the HOA. A discussion followed on collecting these monies. Since we do not have a Zone 3 or 5 rep it has fallen to the Treasurer to try and be the point of contact for collection of their outstanding dues.
The President has sold his home and moving out of State, Brad Sweet was nominated for President. Motion carried. Mary Hill was nominated for Secretary, Motion carried.
Brad identified several topics of discussion that remain open, and a discussion of each followed:
- 135th Street Entry identification – tabled until further notice
- Status actions on the Covenants – work in progress.
- Status on possibly hiring a management firm for day to day operation of the HOA
o Phil stated he hear that the HOA Management Company we had previously visited with has been acquired by Builder’s Inc, and they are the ONLY company left in town who does property management. Mary Hill will contact them about attending our Board meeting and provide information on their services and associated costs.
o Phil will contact Sarah Stolz about auditing the books of the Association.
- Grading, reseeding and installing a sprinkler system on the community property on Forestview. Awaiting bids.
o Mary showed the board member pictures of the electrical boxes on the back of the West Monument at the Maple Street Entrance. They are corroded/rusting out and should be considered for immediately repair/replacement. She has contacted three electrical companies for bids.
Brad will contact Waste Management about placing a dumpster on the community property located on Forestview on May 8 thru 15. Notice will be provided to the membership once we know what items are Not accepted.
Mary reported that Jolene Campbell, Kara Franks and Agnes Johnson have agreed to serve as the Neighborhood Garage Sale coordinators. Dates for this event are May 25, 26 and 27. Each homeowner wishing to participate is required to obtain their own city license, and post same on their premises. Signs will be prepared and placed in strategic locations throughout the RlWIII neighborhood to notify the membership of the upcoming event, plus e-mails will be forwarded to those persons with an address on file.
Mary will contact Ascension Lutheran Church about hosting the Annual Meeting (September 16), in anticipation of a large attendance, due to a potential discussion of hiring a management firm and raising the dues to cover the cost.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 p.m.
Mary Hill, Secretary