Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Board Meeting



Mike Ball                                                     Mary Hill

Brad Sweet                                                 Agnes Johnson

Ken Hughes                                                 Jeff Hoetmer

Sandra Zeh                                                  Al Cavallaro                                                

Ashley Derret                                              Rick & Bev Smiley

Jana Pote

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S Forestview St.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the September meeting.  Motion carried.

New Business:

Mike Ball was elected President;  Mary Hill was elected Secretary and  Brad Sweet was elected Treasurer.

It was moved and seconded that an Electronic copy and the original signed copy of the new Covenants will be permanently filed at HOA Management Services.  A copy will be provided to be Brad for publishing on the Website.  Each board member has already been provided an electronic copy.  Motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that we collect an initiation fee of $100 from new homeowners; the funds to be placed in the Reserve A and B maintenance fund.  Motion carried.  This action is authorized by the new covenants.

A lengthly discussion of the ongoing improvement project at 158 S. Forestview Ct. was conducted.  We called the homeowner (who was out of town) and asked questions.  It was concluded that the Board needs to meet with the homeowner, and the date of Monday October 29 at 5:00 p.m. was confirmed.  The project has a stop work order because the concrete contractor did not pull a city permit.  

It was moved and seconded that the non-compliant issue with 106 S. Forestview Ct. will be allowed to continue because of previous documented approvals from the board.  Motion carried.  Ashley will contact the attorney for direction on filing this non-compliant approval with the Register of Deeds office. 

There was a lengthy discussion on how to deal with the problem of non-compliance issues; some have been a problem for a long time, others are a problem because of the newly approved Protective Covenants.  Should the Board start sending non-compliance letters immediately, or should we act more slowly by working with the worst offenders first?  There will be further discussion at the next meeting.  Ashley was directed to prepare a newsletter reminding homeowners that with passage of the new Protective Covenants, they could be in violation e.g. cars and trailers permanently stored on the property, trash cans stored in front of garage doors, etc. 

The next meeting will be November 18 at 7p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S Forestview St.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Mary Hill

Mary Hill, Secretary

Minutes of Special Covenants Mtg 9/30/2019

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
Special Covenants Meeting
September 30, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm. by President Michael Ball.

The following appointments were made for this meeting:
Tellers: Jana Pote and Terresa Powell
Timekeeper: Keith Stutzman

President Ball then introduced the members of the Board of Directors for Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Addition HOA, attending this meeting
Mary Hill, Secretary Treasurer David Pashman, Newly elected Board Member
Ken Hughes, Zone 2 Rep Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 4 Rep
Sandra Zeh, Zone 3 Rep Agnes Johnson, Zone 1 Rep

President Ball then introduced Ashley Derret, the HOA Management Services Representative, who provided descriptive information on her job with our Agent, HOA Management Services.

President Ball then introduced Brad Sweet (Past President of Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA) who served as coordinator/integrator of the covenant changes being presented to the membership.

Brad gave a narrative (supported by a digital presentation) and brief history of how we arrived at this point in time with this version of the covenants.

President Ball then opened the floor for comments from the membership with a limit of 3 minutes per member.

Members were informed on how the voting would proceed. Members carrying proxies were called first and their ballots (including proxies) were issued. The remaining members were then provided with one ballot per lot. Ballots were collected by the tellers and counted.

Results of the vote were 41 in favor and 17 opposed to adoption of the proposed covenants. A copy of the Tellers Report is attached to the permanent file.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m.

Mary Hill

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Annual Mtg Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA

Annual Meeting

September 21, 2019

Fire Station #21


Mary Hill                                                     Kenneth Hughes

Phil Iwinski                                                 Dan & Becky Kennedy

Carma Neth                                                Rick & Bev Smiley

Michael Ball                                                Sandra Zeh

Billy Wood                                                   Brad & Patti Sweet

Keith Mann                                                 Jeff Hoetmer

David Pashman                                           David & Jana Pote

Al Cavallaro                                                Doug & Jolene Kaufman

Jeff & Julia Schauf                                     Robert Daniels

Lynn& Kim Guinn

President Michael Ball called to the meeting to order at 1:03 pm. and introduced the HOA Board members in attendance.

President Michael Ball appointed the following persons to serve during this meeting:

Timekeeper:  Phil Iwinski

Tellers:  Patti Sweet and Carma Neth

Persons to review and approve the minutes of this meeting:  Lynn Guinn and Jana Pote.

It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.

President Michael Ball gave a summarization of the year’s activities.

Treasurer Mary Hill presented the financial information.  Copies of this report are attached to the permanent file.  (See attachments 1 and 2.)

          Balance on Hand 10/1/2018            $25,256.77

          Balance on Hand 9/20/2019            $21,780.04

Treasurer Mary Hill presented the proposed budget for 2019-2020.  Mary Hill moved to accept the budget as proposed seconded by Brad Sweet.  A question was raised on outstanding dues:  Mary reported 3 homeowners are currently delinquent in their dues (totaling approximately $383.00).  During the discussion which followed, it was moved by Becky Kennedy and seconded by Carma Neth to dispense with services with HOA Management at the end of this contract period and negotiate bookkeeping only services for Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA.  A discussion both pro and con followed.  At the conclusion of the discussion the vote was called for on the Kennedy motion.  Results: 7 in favor and 21 against.  The motion failed.

Mary Hill called for the question to approve the budget.  Result:  22 in favor and 5 against.  The motion carried.

President Michael Ball gave a general overview of the services by a Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Board Member.  He then called for nominations from the floor for a two-year term as a Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Board Member (2019/2021).

          Michael Ball was nominated previously

          David Pashman volunteered

President Michael Ball then called for nominations for a one-year term as a member of Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Board Member (2019/2020).

          Brad Sweet volunteered

It was moved and seconded that we accept the slate of officers by acclamation.  Motion carried.

President Michael Ball then identified the Zone representatives for 2019/2020:

Zone 1 Agnes Johnson

Zone 2 Ken Hughes

Zone 3 Sandra Zeh

Zone 4 none identified

Zone 5 Jeff Hoetmer

Members of the Architectural Control Committee who have agreed to continue to serve for 2019/2020 are:

Al Cavallaro

Jeff Schauf

Agnes Johnson

Dan Hewitt

Mary Hill

Kevin Martin

The floor was opened for general discussion on any subject from the members in attendance.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:45 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary/Treasurer

Corrctions to June 2019 Bd Mtg Minutes

Page 2: 2nd para.Correction:  David Pashman described a flooding problem behind 102 N. Rainbow Lakes Terrace, and 103 N Rainbow Lakes Rd., which could ultimately create a problem in his backyard (106 N. Rainbow Lake Terrace).  There is Wichita City Storm Sewer Drain in the back yard at 103 N. Rainbow Lakes Rd which drains to the  Reserve A lake.  When Reserve A is full, the drain becomes covered with lake standing water, which then backs up into their backyards. The home at 102 N. Rainbow Lakes Terrace suffered water damage due to the heavy rainfall.
Mary will contact the City regarding cleaning the storm sewer drain for better outflow.  

Page 2 Officer Reports discusses a lien against the Danler Property;The Danlers have not requested nor has a new roof been installed on their home.  Amanda at Mid Kanas Exterior has been in touch with Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt, regarding this situation.IF and WHEN a new roof installed the lien will be released.

July Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of HOA Board Meeting

July 15, 2019


Mike Ball, President

Mary Hill, Secretary/Treasurer

Agnes Johnson, Zone 1

Ken Hughes, Zone 2

Sandra Zeh Zone 3

Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5

Al Cavallaro, ACC Chair

Ashley Derret, HOA Management Company

Officer’s Reports:

President Mike reported on a meeting with Jeff Schauf, and other board members (Agnes Johnson and Al Cavallero, Mary Hill joined by phone), on community property behind Jeff’s home on Saturday July 13, 2019.  It was agreed by all the parties that we should proceed with the bid from J & J Custom Landscaping to regrade the community property adjacent to Jeffs’ home to provide positive drainage to the Reserve A Lake.  Jeff has the most risk associated with the project and the HOA cost would be less than $2000.

Following the 7/13/19 meeting, Jeff decided to go with another contractor because of additional work he required, but the cost to the HOA would remain the same.  We are awaiting the proposal from the new contractor before proceeding.

It was moved that the Minutes of the June meeting be approved as corrected.  Motion carried.  Mary had no other report.  A copy of the financial statement was provided to those in attendance.

Zone Rep Reports:

Agnes Johnson reported that James was willing to cut down the trees at the entryway, however help would be required with the cleanup, stacking of wood etc.  It was the consensus of the group that we will obtain bids for this work.  It is unfair to ask a homeowner to do this work for all free, and James does a lot for the HOA already’ Ashley will contact some contractors to bid for the work and report back; Ken Hughes will contact the tree trimmer who did his work, and he will mark the appropriate trees to be removed at the entryway with white paint, which Mary provided.

Jeff Hoetmer reported that he received a call that the aerators were not working in the Reserve A lake.  The noise suppression problem with the equipment behind Willie Coles’ home has not been resolved.  Mary will talk to Dave Dauffenbach about this problem, perhaps the motor needs to be replaced/rebuilt.  It has been rebuilt at least twice already.

(Spoke to Dave Dauffenbach 7/17/2019 and he is picking up the motor 7/18/19 to send back to the manufacturer who will recommend a fix.  It may have been a lightning strike that made the system fail, burn up.)

Old Business:

Mike Ball reported on some clarifications he proposed for the covenants and why.  After much discussion it was moved and seconded that we proceed with passing the covenants to the Attorney for review.  Motion carried.  We requested that Ashley forward the covenants to the attorney for review, and emphasize the urgent need to have them reviewed, in order to have them in the mail in accordance with the ByLaws.

We also discussed topics dealing with the annual meeting which is scheduled for 1 p.m. on September 21, 2019 at Station 21, at 2110 N. 135th St West. 

New Business:

The next meeting will be August 19th at 142 S Forestview at 7 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary/Treasurer

June 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West III
HOA Board Meeting
19 June 2017

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. at the home of Mary Hill with the following in attendance
Brad Sweet, Mary Hill, Phil Iwinski, Keith Stutzman and Agnes Johnson, Guest Debby Iwinski.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved.
ACC Approvals:
6’ Cedar Privacy Fence around backyard, Steve and Jan Geno
260 S. Forestview Ct. approved 6/7/17
5’ Wrought Iron fence around backyard, Tom Mahon
225 S. Forestview St. approved 6/12/17
Garage Sale:
It was suggested that we have it a week later next year, and that we contact the neighboring HOAs’ to coordinate having all on the same weekend.
Post removal in Lake behind Richard Rose Property.
President Brad will contact Richard advising him we will wait until the water is much lower due to the potential liability if something goes wrong. These posts are not really hurting anything, but if cut off below water level and someone accidentally were hurt by the poles which they could not see, we could have a problem.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance on Hand in checking account $10,329.20, June 19, 2017.
Balance on Hand in savings account $27,002.62, June 19, 2017.
There are 6 delinquent accounts remaining, two of which are $300 each. One is in Zone 1, one in Zone 2, three in Zone 3, and one in zone 5.
A discussion of the services provided by Custom Lawn Service affirmed that they are doing the job they were hired to do, at the Maple street entryway, and it is in better condition as a result. They are treating the trees, and fertilizing and providing week control
There is a tree growing inside the scotch pine located just East of the East side monument which needs to be removed. Cleaning up the overgrown greenery inside the monuments, and later making other planting improvements inside the monuments, was also discussed.
Rusted out Mailbox
Mary Hill reported she had forwarded a picture of the rusted-out mailbox in Zone 1 to the Postmaster General, and as a result the box was replaced with a new postal receptacle.
She is now attempting to have some of the Westar electrical boxes that are also in bad condition, replaced.
Old Business:
The proposed contract from the HOA Management Company, previously provided to the board, was discussed.
Phil Iwinski moved and Keith Stutzman seconded that we sign a 12-month contract beginning July 1, 2017, with the HOA Management Company, motion carried.
Our insurance is due soon and it is hoped that by signing an agreement with the HOA Management Company we may be able to reduce our insurance expense. The management company would also be the point of contact for the homeowners for ALL COMPLAINTS.
It is anticipated that the HOA Management company then would do all the preparation for the annual meeting, send out notices, notice of dues, etc.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
The next meeting will July 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Mary Hill, Secretary