July 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

July 2023 HOA Meeting

Meeting started at 6:05 pm , July 10th, 2023 at Steven Fuller’s house.

Board Members in attendance, Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Alfonso Cavellaro, Jeff Hoetmer, Keith Stutsman

Officer Reports:

President – Nothin
Vice President – Not Present
Secretary – Nothing
Treasurer – Insurance Cost + Bid for 2024

Zone Rep Reports

– Nothing

Business Discussion

June meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

No news on breaker status for aerators. Aerator on reserve A appears to be floating, Michael will request that Dave check on aerators and breaker. He will also request a bill for his work.

A contract from HOA management was received, and the board will review it by the next meeting.

A new HOA manager has been assigned to our HOA.

The newsletter has been approved to be sent out in color.

There wil be a workday August 19th, Michael will call a meeting of the volunteers prior to the workday. The workday will be from 8 to 10 am.

Finances were reviewed and are in order. Notices are to be sent homes with past due dues.

The board has decided to remove the bushes from the south Forestview St. entrance to make maintenance easier. It was also decided that the lights on the monuments should be updated to white light LEDs if possible.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm. The next meeting will be at Agnes Johnson’s home, 229 S Forestview St. August 14th, at 6pm.

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