January 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

January 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes

The January meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Jeff Hoetmer’s home on Monday January 9th, 2023 at 6:31 pm. Members in Attendance: Micheal Ball, Teresa Powell, Jeff Hoetmer, Steven Fuller, Brad Sweet, Dan Fumento. Residents in Attendance included Becky Kennedy.

The November HOA Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Michael reported that the work dat was well attended, trees where trimmed and branches were cleared. He has the item to set up the next work day and put it on the calendar.

Notes for the work day include the need for more tree trimming along with updating the signage for the community.

Jeff reviewed the budget:
– It was noted we are budgeted as negative for the year due to unpaid dues
– Our expense budget was noted as in good conditions since we haven’t had any legal fees recently
– It was noted that the Mowing budget had not been adjusted for 2022 and needs to be adjusted for 2023 so we’re not negative again.
– It was noted that repairs and general maintenance represented as $0, HOA admins will look into this to see if it was a mistake or got allocated to the wrong budget.

Current fines on hold were discussed, One was released by unanimous vote by the board, the other was moved to pursue.

The proposed Zone change north of Rainbow Lakes was noted, Flood concerns were discussed and will be kept in mind should construction happen in that area.

Past due Dues were discussed, HOA managers will send out notices to those that are past due. Concern was brought up whether or not notices had been sent out to anyone past due, HOA managers will look into if notices had been sent out.

Aerator were discussed, Carrie will look into what other communities have done to solve the noise issues.

It was noted that the outlet on the east side monument was not working and needs repairs.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm. The next Board meeting will be held on Monday February 13th at 6:30pm at Brad Sweet’s Home. 104 N Forestview Ct.

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