Minutes from the annual Sept. 2022 RLHOA Meeting

The annual meeting of the Rainbow Lakes HOA was called to order at the Forestview common area on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022, at 9:00am (wanted to get done before it got too hot).  Board members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Lynn Guinn, Mark Stolz, Jeff Hoetmer, Sandra Zeh, & Al Cavallaro. The August Board meeting minutes were reviewed & approved. 20 homeowners were in attendance (and 2 proxies were submitted to the Secretary prior to the meeting). 2 tellers were appointed prior to the start of the meeting in case votes were going to be cast & counted later.

Mike presented a President’s report, which highlighted things that had happened in 2021-2022. Some things of note- repairs on the Maple sprinkler system that had been done, an assessment of rip rap around the lake & trees that were going to need work, repairs to the lake aerators, and a general overall status of the neighborhood. Mike also spoke about the discussion that led to the increase of annual dues (from $150 to $200 per year). Lynn would follow up on that with his presentation of the annual budget. Mike also appealed to ALL homeowners to pay attention to write ups from HOA Mgmt. so fines would not have to be assessed. If there are any questions or concerns on any of these issues, please contact the Board to request clarity, or provide a plan to address these issues.

Lynn presented a final budget. It was quite apparent that the annual dues would need to be raised to make ends meet for the HOA. Some areas of the 2021 budget were at or below actual expenses, but there were several that were over (sprinkler repair & tree removal). After a short discussion, acceptance of the proposed 2022-2023 budget was voted on, and it was accepted with a unanimous vote.

Lynn also spoke about the need for a special assessment that was going to be needed to address the rip rap & tree work around the lake. This topic will be addressed at a special meeting on Oct. 4, 2022, at the firehouse, and all homeowners would be invited for that meeting. The Board has secured 3 bids for rip rap work around the lake, which will be reviewed after the assessment meeting. The Board will be requesting an assessment of $300 per homeowner.

It was also noted that Dave Dauffenbach had done some repair work on the lake aerators (THANK YOU, DAVE!!). Some parts had been ordered, and a new aerator had been ordered as well. One of the residents stated that it might be time to look at possibly doing some research to see what is available in new technology for lake aerators (quieter & more energy efficient), and that will be a topic for the 2022-2023 Board.

With 2 members rotating off the Board (Mark & Lynn), a need existed for 2 new Board members to be appointed. 3 people were nominated– Greg Heiny, Steve Fuller, and Jeff Hoetmer. Jeff, who was serving as a Zone rep, stated he would rather stay on as Zone rep, so he withdrew his name from the vote. Left with 2 volunteers, a unanimous vote was cast to elect Greg Heiny & Steve Fuller as new Board members.

Finally, a special presentation was awarded to Mary Hill for all the work she had done over the years with the RLHOA. A plaque was presented to Mary (paid for by Board members), and she was very grateful. Mary has moved to senior living now & will be missed in the neighborhood.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55am. The next HOA meeting will be held on Oct. 4 (special assessment), and the October Board meeting will be held on Oct. 10 at 7pm at Teresa Powell’s home.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

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