August 2022 HOA Meeting Minutes

The August meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Agnes Johnson’s house on Monday, August 15, 2022, at 7:00pm.  Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Agnes Johnson, Lynn Guinn, Mark Stolz, Jeff Hoetmer, Brad Sweet, Sandra Zeh, & Al Cavallaro. The July minutes were reviewed & approved, {with 1 minor exception}, as written (unan). (Subsequent to the meeting, the exception was noted & revised).  One of our residents, Dan Fumento, was present, as was our HOA Mgmt. rep- Harlee Quintana.

Lynn presented a final budget.  It was quite apparent that the annual dues would need to be raised to make ends meet for the HOA. A motion was made to increase the yearly dues to $200/year (motion by Mark & 2nd by Teresa).  The motion was voted on, and it passed with a unanimous vote.

Dan Fumento was at the meeting to inform the Board about a growth of cattails behind his house on the lake. He brought pictures to show, and the growth had more than doubled in size this past year. He suggested getting some type of lake-friendly spray to put on the cattails. Dan had done some research, and said the cattails needed to be sprayed & killed first, and then pulled out at the roots for them to stay gone, or they could come back. During the meeting, a quick internet search revealed a spray product called Shoreline Defense that is used to spray cattails. Lynn took the action to get this product bought, so spraying could be done soon. (The cattails were sprayed in the final week of August, and they can be pulled out later if the spray does its work.) It was good to have Dan at the meeting, and Lynn purchased the spray at his own expense. Thanks, Lynn.

Costs are still being compiled for work around the lake. We still need another quote on the rip rap work, and Harlee will see about getting that done. (Subsequent to the meeting, 2 more quotes were obtained on the rip rap work- 3 in total now. The Board will review all of these at the next meeting.)

The Board reviewed a letter for the Breezy Point HOA to notify them of their residents coming over to our lake to fish & trespassing on the common area on the SE end of the lake. The draft was reviewed & approved, and Mike will get that sent to the Breezy Point HOA.

Last month (July), Brad Sweet sent a note to the Board & said the lake aerators appeared to NOT be working. Dave Dauffenbach has ordered some parts & a new aerator, and he will get the repair done soon.  (At least 1 of the aerators is now running.)

The annual HOA meeting will be held on Saturday morning, Sept. 17, at 9:00am at the common area. An earlier time was noted to stay away from daytime heat. A note will be sent to all homeowners, inviting them to the meeting. The Board also needs 2 replacements for officers, as Mark & Lynn are set to rotate off this fall. If anyone is interested in serving, please contact any of the Board members.

Several homeowners have asked for more time to complete improvements that were noted by HOA Mgmt.- (129 N Rainbow Lake Terrace & 260 S Forestview Ct.). Both residences have been granted an extension to Sept. 15 to complete the work needed or pay pending fines.

Finally, a special assessment meeting will be held in October (at the fire station), and the Board will recommend a 1-time lump sum of $300 per household be assessed to all residents. 2 biggest cost drivers are rip rap work around the lake (est. $30K for that), and tree removal around the lake. Residents will be advised of the meeting date once it has been set.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm. The next Board meeting will be the annual meeting on Sept. 17, and the October meeting will be held on Oct. 10 at 7pm on at Teresa’s home.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

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