Meeting Minutes from the Jan. 2022 RLHOA Board Meeting

The January meeting of the HOA Board was called to order at Mary Hill’s house on Monday, Jan. 10, 2022, at 7:00pm.   Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Lynn Guinn, Agnes Johnson, Mark Stolz, Mary Hill, Sandra Zeh, & Al Cavalaro.   The October/November minutes were reviewed & approved as written (unan).

Lynn reported that the HOA’s cash position was down considerably, due to unplanned maintenance items (downed trees) which were expensive to fix & not included in the annual budget.  A brief discussion was had about possibly doing a special assessment to shore up the HOA’s cash position, but that will be left for the Feb. meeting.

Discussion was again held on the quality of service being provided by HOA Mgmt.   We have not had representation for several months at the Board meetings, and now with a new HOA rep (Kayla) recently assigned, the Board wishes to improve communication between the 2 parties to ensure a better working relationship. Teresa volunteered to review the monthly inspections, as they have become a little dicey (lots of write-ups for trash containers being left out when the inspection was done right after the holiday weekend), and we want to make sure they are doing what is intended– pointing out recurring problems that can be easily addressed.  The Board reviewed the most recent inspection report & flagged ones that needed to either be amended or stricken from the report.  After that review, Mark volunteered to contact Kayla & review the report to remove the problems that were noted (completed on Jan. 12).

There were still 9 homeowners who were delinquent on 2021-2022 dues, and it was decided to have HOA Mgmt. send out one last reminder to have dues paid by Jan 31 or have lien processing begin.

The Board was contacted by Robert McElroy about several inspection concerns on his property (120 N Forestview Ct).  One of the concerns was with his trash dumpster, which remains in his driveway.  HOA rules state that the dumpster must be out of sight from the street.  His concern was noted in that his property faces both the cul-de-sac and Forestview St., so the dumpster would have to go into his back yard (even though he has a wrought iron fence).  The inspection also noted a large pile of bricks in his back yard that is visible from Forestview. He felt the inspection write-ups were unfair & planned to be at the meeting to address these, but he did not attend. The Board was going to contact him to discuss potential solutions to the problems.

New signs still need to be put up.  Solution to follow when warmer weather comes.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.  The next Board meeting will be at 7pm on Feb. 21 at Mary Hill’s home.  This might get changed, as Kayla has already said she could NOT attend that night.  Stay tuned.


Mark Stolz, Secretary

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