September 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes (notes from the general meeting)

The September general meeting of RLHOA was called to order in the common area of the neighborhood along Forestview St. on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 at 11:15am.  Board members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Lynn Guinn, Agnes Johnson, Mark Stolz, Sandra Zeh, & Jeff Hoetmer. Numerous HOA members were also in attendance.  Prior to this meeting, an agenda was sent to the membership, along with the financial report from 2020-2021, and the proposed budget for 2021-2022.  Item #4 (report on valid proxies) was stricken from the agenda, as the only vote that would be done would be for future officers on the Board. A timekeeper & tellers were appointed for the meeting.

Mike Ball, the HOA president, presented a review of the past year– Fall Celebration 2020, solar panel guidelines put in place (in accordance with the ACC), Spring Cleanup, status of the rip rap project, June Garage Sale, new HOA signs, a large tree removal, and repairs done on the entryway sprinklers.  All in all, a good year.  He also reported that if we get enough members to sign up to Waste Connections for their trash service, the neighborhood would receive the free placement of a large dumpster once a year.

Dues notices have been mailed out and are due by Oct. 1, 2021. Any dues that are NOT paid by the end of the calendar year will be subject to fines or lien placement on their property.

Lynn Guinn presented a review of the financial report from 2020-2021, and he also went through the proposed 2021-2022 budget.  The 2020-2021 budget was overspent, due to some heavy maintenance items that were done this year (removal of large tree, sprinkler repair, etc.).  Funds were moved from savings to help with these bills.  However, the same budget was recommended for next year.  A motion was made to accept the new budget, and it was approved unanimously.  Lynn also presented a 2-3 year summary of some significant expenses that are coming up (more tree removals and lake maintenance), and it is possible that a special assessment will be needed to fund those.  That issue will be addressed by the Board in the coming months.  One of the members asked if anyone knew of an aquatic-safe spray that could be used on saplings growing around the lake.  The Board took note & will look into that.

Mike Ball stated that he & Teresa would serve another 2-year term on the Board. A motion was made by Mary Hill to retain these officers for the 2021-2023 fiscal years (10/21-9/23), and it was approved unanimously.  The Architectural Control Committee was also retained for another year.  A big thanks to Al Cavallaro & his group for doing a good job again this past year.  Finally, one of the residents asked that something be done about the proliferation of BIG fireworks that are being shot off around & over the lake on the July 4 holiday, noting that a fire was started last year.  The amount of BIG boomers has increased over the years, and it’s time something was done.  The Board will contact our neighborhood community police officer for information on this.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately at noon. The next Board meeting will be at 7pm on October 18 at the home of Mary Hill.

The Fall Festival 2021 was conducted after the meeting, with a picnic lunch, bouncy house, snow cones, and a hay rack ride for all neighbors.  Many thanks goes to Jana Pote, Teresa Powell, Megan Elpers, Janna Geno, & Kim Mann for making this all possible.  The HOA also wanted to thank the sponsors who helped make this possible– Wade West ($250), Dustee Self ($100), and HOA Mgmt. ($200 credit on our monthly bill).  We also need to say thanks to Mary Hill (tableware & buns), Lynn Guinn (bought & cooked the hot dogs), Terri & Steve Jones (bubble toys for the kids), Keith Mann (horses & wagon), Alex Hunt (use of the DJ equipment), and Dave & Janna Pote (thank you gift bags for the police & firemen, paper goods, use of their outdoor tables, ice).  It was a good day.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

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