Minutes of August 2021 Board Meeting

Minutes of Meeting of the RLW3 Board of Directors
August 9, 2021
Members in attendance:
Michael Ball President, Theresa Powell VP, Lyn Guinn Treasurer, Agnes Johnson Zone 1, Ken Hughes Zone 2, Sandra Zeh Zone 3, Robin Norris HOA Mgmt Services, Al Cavallaro ACC, Nancy Kyle Baker, Mary Hill ACC.
Meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill 142 S. Forestview St.
Officer Reports:
Lyn Guinn requested HOA Mgmt Services provide him with a copy of the proposed budget for 2021-2022 this week so it may be reviewed and approved by the board prior to mailing to the membership as part of the annual meeting notice.
Theresa Powell reported that the Fall Celebration committee met and is proceeding with plans for the event on September 18 at noon on the community property.
Rip Rap on Reserve A: Still need to resolve the issue with Twin Rivers regarding how the rock was laid on Reserve A. This needs to be resolved by August 20.
162 S Forestview Ct. A tree behind this property on community property has split and fallen creating a problem. Five (5) bids have been received to remove and grind this tree.
Another tree has fallen and is laying at the far east end of Reserve A. Following a great deal of discussion, a call was placed to John Voth of Twin Rivers (who provided a bid for removal of 4 cottonwood trees on Reserve A) to arrange a meeting with him to discuss negotiating his bill to include the tree at 162 S.Forestview Ct. He agreed to meet with board members at 5 p.m. on August 10th at 162 S Forestview Ct. A bid to remove the tree from the water at the far east end of Reserve A was also discussed. This bid was $275 (Premier Arbor) and was questioned. Mike Ball with talk with this bidder further to clarify the manner of how the work is to be down.
If necessary a special meeting of the board will be called to resolve this issue.
Monument Sprinklers: The sprinklers in the monuments are not working. Mary Hill will contact Harpco for a repair/resolution. The GFI switch (fixture) may also need to be replaced.

New Business:
President Mike suggested it would be a good idea to develop a list of volunteers in the neighborhood who would occasionally assist with emergency repair projects. It was suggested that we place a request for volunteers in our next newsletter.
Dues Invoices: It was discussed and agreed that future dues invoices will include a notice that if the annual dues are not paid by a specified date that a lien will be filed on their property and additional fees will be incurred. Too many homeowners are not paying their dues in a timely fashion putting us at risk of meeting the HOA financial responsibities.
Compliance issues: Robin requested direction on these issues:
One property owner has been unable to hire a painter to take care of a problem, this owner will be given 30 additional days. The second homeowner has had an issue for well over a year and keeps providing excuses. This owner will be given 2 weeks to provide a resolution, or fines will begin. Two other homeowners have not responded and will be moved to fine status.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary ProTem

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