July 2021 Meeting Minutes

The July meeting of RLHOA was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill on Monday, July 19, 2021.   Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Lynn Guinn, Agnes Johnson, Mark Stolz, Mary Hill, Sandra Zeh, Jeff Hoetmer, Ken Hughes, and Robin Morris (HOA Mgmt.).  Minutes of the June meeting were approved as written (motion by Jeff & 2nd by Teresa- unan.).

It was reported that there were 10 owners who were past due on their annual dues (only 2 that had a substantial balance), and they had been notifed of this multiple times. Liens will be filed against these homeowners in the next couple weeks. It was also decided that late homeowner dues for the next year will be addressed prior to the end of 2021.

Several homeowners were cited with non-compliance issues, dating back for many months. A motion was passed that these homeowners (Ellis, Waterbury, Kampschroeder) would be given until September 1, 2021 to get compliant.

Old business– The first phase of the rip rap project was completed in June.  The rock that was delivered did not cover as much of the shoreline as we thought, and it was decided that the Board should meet with Twin Rivers again to discuss ways to improve if we go ahead with more rock placement.  Robin would call Mike at TR to set up a meet.

New business– Progress is being made on the Fall celebration scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 18.  Teresa reported that a PA system would be present, and that the deposit for the bounce house was made.  She also noted that adult supervision would be needed for the bounce house while small kids were using it.   She then noted that we needed to come up with signage for any business that wanted to help sponsor that day.   If anyone knows of any small business folks who would like to advertise for their business by helping with the picnic expenses that day, please contact one of the Board members.

Ken noted that there was a very large tree branch in the lake, and a couple Board members would check this out.  Ken & Mark also requested names & addresses of the current RLHOA members so we all know who our neighbors are.

Patti Sweet reported that there may be problems with the entryway power outlet & sprinklers.  That will be checked out before the next meeting.

Lynn suggested that Board members compile a list of large capital projects that could be coming up in the next 1-3 years so we can apprise the membership at the Sept. meeting.  There are several LARGE trees on common property that will need to be trimmed or taken down, which could cost several thousand dollars each.  Other ideas include possible maintenance on the Reserve B spillway & maybe more rip rap needed on that body of water as well.  Please forward your ideas to Lynn, prior to the August meeting.

Finally, a discussion was had that spoke to whether initiation fees had been collected from new homeowners who had moved into the neighborhood.  It was noted that the October 2019 covenant updates included a provision for charging a new homeowner moving in an initiation fee of $100.  It was discovered after the July 2021 meeting that these initiation fees had NOT been collected. This will be discussed at the August meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:25p.m. The next Board meeting will be at 7pm on August 9 at the home of Mary Hill.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

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