May 2021 Meeting Minutes

The May meeting of RLHOA was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill on Monday, May 17, 2021.

Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Agnes Johnson, Mark Stolz, Lynn Guinn, Mary Hill, Ken Hughes, and Robin Morris (HOA Mgmt.).  Minutes of the April meeting were approved as written (motion by Lynn & 2nd by Mike).

It was reported that there were 12 owners who were past due on their annual dues (only 7 that had a substantial balance), and they had been notified of this several times.  The Board decided to hand-deliver a letter to the delinquent property owners, stating that if FULL payment was not received by July 1, 2021, the HOA will file a lien on their property, and the owner will be on the hook for all dues payments & late fees, along with an additional $100 for lien placement & clearing costs.   The letter will be put together later.

Old business– Robin reported that the HOA neighborhood signs (3) had not been installed yet.  These will be installed in the coming weeks, and Ken Hughes has offered to help.  Installation will probably include some new posts.

The Rainbow Lakes HOA newsletter was published on May 13.  Jana Pote will get it posted on Facebook in the next week or 2.  Everyone thought it looked good. Lynn reported no major expenses this past month (HOORAY!!).

New business– Still no word from Twin Rivers Landscaping on the rock work around the lake. It was thought that the rainy weather had slowed their schedule down some, but Robin took an action to call them to see where they were at, schedule-wise. Work was supposed to start in early May (depending on the weather), and homeowners would be notified about turning their sprinklers off for a couple days so the work could be done with minimal disruption.  Looks like it will run well into June now.  There was discussion on cleaning up around the lake shoreline prior to that work being done, and some members will meet to do that on Saturday, May 22.  (That was accomplished.)

The neighborhood Spring Clean Up was set to happen on Saturday, May 22. The trailer will be parked by the common area, and residents could bring yard waste (limbs, branches, old shrubs, etc.) and put it in the trailer. Yard trash only– no other kinds of trash will be dealt with on this occasion. The trailer will be placed for just a day, and then the contents would be taken to the dump (HOA to pay the dump fee). Agnes & James Johnson have graciously offered the use of their trailer for this. These details were highlighted in the newsletter.  (Clean up day was a success!!)

Neighborhood Garage Sale date– June 17-19, 2021.  Signs will go up on the Sunday prior to this  (per Agnes- June 13).

The Social Committee is still looking for volunteers to help with the Fall celebration in September.  Anyone interested should contact Jana Pote.

One of the residents reported that a tree on common property on the west side of the lake needed some attention, and Mike was going to check it out to see what needed to be done.  It was also reported that Meghan Elpers would no longer be the Zone 2 rep, and Ken Hughes has agreed to fill that post. Thanks Ken..

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:10p.m.  The next Board meeting will be at 7pm on June 14 at the home of Mary Hill.

Mark Stolz, Secretary

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