March 2021 Minutes

The March meeting of RLHOA was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill on Monday, March 15, 2021.  Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Agnes Johnson, Mark Stolz, Lynn Guinn, Sandra Zeh, Mary Hill, and Robin Morris (HOA Mgmt.). Jana Pote & Kim Mann also attended to provide input for the fall festival.  Minutes of the February meeting were approved.

It was reported that there were 13 owners who were past due on their annual dues (only 10 that had a substantial balance), and they had been notified of this.

Old business– Robin reported that the neighborhood signs (3) were just about ready (she received them on March 25). These will be installed in the coming weeks.

New business– John & Gabriel Voth from Twin Rivers Landscaping came to discuss their bid for providing rip/rap around the lake. They provided references on work they had done, and did a good job of presenting the way they did their work.  It was apparent that these were the right guys for the job.  John quoted $26,000 to put rock around the whole lake, but he noted that we didn’t need rock in all areas.  He suggested starting with 4-6 loads of rock ($1380 per truckload installed), and concentrating on areas around the common property & the east side of the lake.  After he left, the board discussed the project, and a motion was made to start with at least 4 loads of rock, and maybe as many as 6 (motion by Lynn & 2nd by Mark)- approved unan.  The work could start in late April or early May, and homeowners would be notified about turning their sprinklers off for a couple days so the work could be done with minimal disruption.  Robin would contact John after the meeting to get the process started.

Neighborhood Garage Sale date– June 17-19, 2021.

The annual meeting was set for Saturday, Sept. 18.  It was decided that we would try to do a neighborhood social (similar to last fall) after the meeting, including grilling hot dogs, having the bounce house, carriage rides, and fellowship.  More planning on that to come, including contacting several potential vendors who could help finance the social.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20p.m.

The next Board meeting will be at 7pm on April 12 at the home of Mary Hill.


Mark Stolz, Secretary

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