November 2020 Meeting Minutes for RLHOA

The November meeting of RLHOA was called to order at 7:04 p.m. at the home of Agnes Johnson on Monday, November 16.  Members in attendance:  Michael Ball, Teresa Powell, Agnes Johnson, Lynn Guinn, Mark Stolz, Jana Pote, Jeff Hoetmer, and Robin Morris (HOA Mgmt.).

Minutes of the October meeting were approved, with one change- during the discussion about the rip rap around the lake, someone suggested we should have the neighbor kids help us retrieve some of the rocks that were pitched in the lake.  We decided to strike that idea.

Jana reported on the October 31 Meet and Treat Social—it was a real success.  Of course, it didn’t hurt that we had a great weather day for it.  We had approximately 120 people there, along with the bounce house.  Flyers were distributed to all homes by Jana, Megan Elpers, and the other zone reps.  We had frozen cider slushes, hot cider, candy for the kids, fire pit, music, and a s’mores station.  What a great time!!  We wanted to thank– Jana & Megan for all their organizational work; Keith & Kim Mann for providing electricity for the bounce house; Jan Geno for printing up the flyers (at her expense).  The financials were pretty easy– $248 for the bounce house, $143 for food & beverages (which was donated by RL folks).  It was noted that if & when we do this next year, the association could be on the hook for the cost of printing the flyers.  All in all, this was a lot of fun, and we hope to do something like it next year.

Old business— Michael reported that our association had received a request to update the temporary rental waiver on their property, due to the effects of COVID.  The homeowners (Perrones) were quarantined in Europe, and hoped to be back here to their home in late Dec or January.  Due to being locked down in Europe, they will come ASAP.  The lease request extension was approved, and this was not thought to be a big deal.

A theft was noted at 215 N Racehorse (Celia Ard), and neighbors were alerted to be aware, as this took place in broad daylight.

It was noted that, at this date, Lynn was not signed on for Finance duties yet.  Brad Sweet was going to fix that.

One of the lake aerators was being repaired (Dave Dauffenbach).

New business— one of our neighbors is considering installing solar panels.  This is not addressed in our covenants.  Robin reported that Kansas law allows HOAs to stop solar add-ons if they are not proposed to be done in a decent manner, but she will provide some information on what other HOAs are using a guide (Jan-Feb timeframe).   Maybe this can be incorporated into ACC guidelines.

Mowing of commons ground– Robin will obtain a firm quote from Colby Unruh to mow the community property (area east of 135th Street, North of Maple, 3 times in 2021). Last year, the cost was $350 per mowing.

Rip-Rap Policy:  It was brought up at the annual meeting that there are areas along Reserve A where there is virtually no rip-rap left in place.  It was pointed out that there was never any rip-rap installed behind one residence because railroad ties had been placed at the water’s edge by the homeowner when the home was originally built.  Robin is working to obtain 3 bids from companies providing rip-rap services.  Hope to have that at the Jan or Feb meeting.  It was thought that it might be time for a walking tour to assess the needs of this.  Mike will coordinate that.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50 p.m.  The next Board meeting will be at 7 p.m. on January 11, at the home of Mary Hill.

Mark Stolz, Secretary