Minutes of Rainbow Lakes West 3 HOA Bd Mtg 11/18/2019

Michael Ball, President                                           Mary Hill, Secretary

Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5                                              Agnes Johnson, Zone 1

Teresa Powell                                                           Brad Sweet, Treasurer

Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt                                      Wade Waterbury

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Wade Waterbury reported when notified of his non-compliance with the covenants, he installed pickets on his gate to the backyard where the car has been stored.  He then called Ashley to report this action and was informed that he cannot just install a fence without approval of the ACC.  He was instructed to fill out a DRC form and submit for approval to the ACC.  A discussion followed and the consensus was he should submit the form for approval but expect it to be denied because his lot does not qualify for a privacy fence situation.  His lot is identified as a lake lot in the covenants.  He was informed the ACC Board would respond to his DRC request soon.  He was informed the best solution would be to get the car in running order, provide the required documentation, and park the vehicle in his driveway.

The minutes of the October 21, 2019 meeting were approved.

The President’s report was deferred to Old Business.

Brad Sweet reported a Balance on hand (all assets) of:  $31,113.08.

There are 23 homeowners with unpaid assessments, two of which owe $320.00.

Old Business:

President Mike provided a brief description of the meeting with the homeowner at 158 S. Forestview Ct and the resultant meeting of the Board and ACC members on November 11.  After a lengthy discussion, and review of the Attorneys response to our questions, additional actions were noted for a response from the homeowner.  Ashley Derret was directed to obtain estimates for the backfill of the terrain to the retaining wall (either as proposed, or if required, to backfill back to the property line).  The retaining wall, as proposed, we believe, would be at an elevation of 1325, which is 1 foot below the flood plain of 1326.  The engineering documents previously provided do not provide the elevation information. 

New Business:

Teresa Powell was elected Vice President.

It was moved and seconded that following the second compliance review, in January 2020, those homeowners in violation of the covenants will be so notified in writing.  Motion Carried.

The next meeting will be January 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. at 142 S. Forestview St.  The exception may be a meeting for additional review of requested information regarding the project at 158 S. Forestview Ct.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Mary Hill, Secretary

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