Minutes of Special Covenants Mtg 9/30/2019

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
Special Covenants Meeting
September 30, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm. by President Michael Ball.

The following appointments were made for this meeting:
Tellers: Jana Pote and Terresa Powell
Timekeeper: Keith Stutzman

President Ball then introduced the members of the Board of Directors for Rainbow Lakes West 3rd Addition HOA, attending this meeting
Mary Hill, Secretary Treasurer David Pashman, Newly elected Board Member
Ken Hughes, Zone 2 Rep Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 4 Rep
Sandra Zeh, Zone 3 Rep Agnes Johnson, Zone 1 Rep

President Ball then introduced Ashley Derret, the HOA Management Services Representative, who provided descriptive information on her job with our Agent, HOA Management Services.

President Ball then introduced Brad Sweet (Past President of Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA) who served as coordinator/integrator of the covenant changes being presented to the membership.

Brad gave a narrative (supported by a digital presentation) and brief history of how we arrived at this point in time with this version of the covenants.

President Ball then opened the floor for comments from the membership with a limit of 3 minutes per member.

Members were informed on how the voting would proceed. Members carrying proxies were called first and their ballots (including proxies) were issued. The remaining members were then provided with one ballot per lot. Ballots were collected by the tellers and counted.

Results of the vote were 41 in favor and 17 opposed to adoption of the proposed covenants. A copy of the Tellers Report is attached to the permanent file.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m.

Mary Hill

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