Minutes of HOA Board Meeting
July 15, 2019
Mike Ball, President
Mary Hill, Secretary/Treasurer
Agnes Johnson, Zone 1
Ken Hughes, Zone 2
Sandra Zeh Zone 3
Jeff Hoetmer, Zone 5
Al Cavallaro, ACC Chair
Ashley Derret, HOA Management Company
Officer’s Reports:
President Mike reported on a meeting with Jeff Schauf, and other board members (Agnes Johnson and Al Cavallero, Mary Hill joined by phone), on community property behind Jeff’s home on Saturday July 13, 2019. It was agreed by all the parties that we should proceed with the bid from J & J Custom Landscaping to regrade the community property adjacent to Jeffs’ home to provide positive drainage to the Reserve A Lake. Jeff has the most risk associated with the project and the HOA cost would be less than $2000.
Following the 7/13/19 meeting, Jeff decided to go with another contractor because of additional work he required, but the cost to the HOA would remain the same. We are awaiting the proposal from the new contractor before proceeding.
It was moved that the Minutes of the June meeting be approved as corrected. Motion carried. Mary had no other report. A copy of the financial statement was provided to those in attendance.
Zone Rep Reports:
Agnes Johnson reported that James was willing to cut down the trees at the entryway, however help would be required with the cleanup, stacking of wood etc. It was the consensus of the group that we will obtain bids for this work. It is unfair to ask a homeowner to do this work for all free, and James does a lot for the HOA already’ Ashley will contact some contractors to bid for the work and report back; Ken Hughes will contact the tree trimmer who did his work, and he will mark the appropriate trees to be removed at the entryway with white paint, which Mary provided.
Jeff Hoetmer reported that he received a call that the aerators were not working in the Reserve A lake. The noise suppression problem with the equipment behind Willie Coles’ home has not been resolved. Mary will talk to Dave Dauffenbach about this problem, perhaps the motor needs to be replaced/rebuilt. It has been rebuilt at least twice already.
(Spoke to Dave Dauffenbach 7/17/2019 and he is picking up the motor 7/18/19 to send back to the manufacturer who will recommend a fix. It may have been a lightning strike that made the system fail, burn up.)
Old Business:
Mike Ball reported on some clarifications he proposed for the covenants and why. After much discussion it was moved and seconded that we proceed with passing the covenants to the Attorney for review. Motion carried. We requested that Ashley forward the covenants to the attorney for review, and emphasize the urgent need to have them reviewed, in order to have them in the mail in accordance with the ByLaws.
We also discussed topics dealing with the annual meeting which is scheduled for 1 p.m. on September 21, 2019 at Station 21, at 2110 N. 135th St West.
New Business:
The next meeting will be August 19th at 142 S Forestview at 7 p.m.
Mary Hill, Secretary/Treasurer