Corrctions to June 2019 Bd Mtg Minutes

Page 2: 2nd para.Correction:  David Pashman described a flooding problem behind 102 N. Rainbow Lakes Terrace, and 103 N Rainbow Lakes Rd., which could ultimately create a problem in his backyard (106 N. Rainbow Lake Terrace).  There is Wichita City Storm Sewer Drain in the back yard at 103 N. Rainbow Lakes Rd which drains to the  Reserve A lake.  When Reserve A is full, the drain becomes covered with lake standing water, which then backs up into their backyards. The home at 102 N. Rainbow Lakes Terrace suffered water damage due to the heavy rainfall.
Mary will contact the City regarding cleaning the storm sewer drain for better outflow.  

Page 2 Officer Reports discusses a lien against the Danler Property;The Danlers have not requested nor has a new roof been installed on their home.  Amanda at Mid Kanas Exterior has been in touch with Ashley Derret, HOA Mgmt, regarding this situation.IF and WHEN a new roof installed the lien will be released.

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