Meeting Minutes


June 24, 2019

Regularly scheduled board meeting. Those present were:
Michael Ball – Secretary
Mary Hill – Treasurer
Agnes Johnson – Zone 1 Representative
Kenny Hughes – Zone 2 Representative
Sandra Zeh – Zone 3 Representative
Jeff Hoetmer – Zone 5 Representative
Ashley Derret – HOA Management Representative
Brad Sweet – Former President and Covenant volunteer
Jeff and Julie Schauf – Owner of 152 N. Forestview Court
Randy Osburn – Owner of 164 N. Forestview Court
David Pashman – Owner of 106 N. Rainbow Lake Terrace

Those not present were:
Vickie Heimerman – Vice President

Resigned from the Board:
Michael Wise – Former President
Jason Gragg – Former Zone 4 Representative

Guest Jeff Schauf described a drainage problem that exists at
the back of his property, the property of Randy Osburn and the HOA
common area. The common area is graded too high to allow water
to flow to the lake – during the last rain it flooded his basement.
He handed out a bid from J & J Lawn Care for the work on his
property. He is asking the HOA to grade the common area next
to his property so the water will flow properly. Mary will look
into getting additional quote(s).

Guest David Pashman is requesting help with a flooding problem
behind his property. The storm drain behind his house is
either clogged or is backing up during heavy rain. The recent
rain caused property damage a in neighboring home.

The minutes of the May 20, 2019 meeting were approved as

Officer Reports:
Secretary – No report
Treasurer – Mary approved the transfer of $6,500 from the
savings account to the checking account to pay current bills.
These funds will be replaced to the savings account after
the Owner dues are received later this year.

The earlier lien filed against the Danler proptery at 125 N.
Rainbow Lake Terrace can now be released – the new roof they
installed complies with the ACC guidelines.

Zone Representative Reports:
Zone 1 – Agnes – the ACC published a list of addresses to
receive new roofing due to the recent hail storm.
Zone 2 – Kenny – two trees at the Maple Street entrance are
dead and need to be removed.
Zone 3 – No report
Zone 4 – No representation.
Zone 5 – Jeff has received comments about the lack of good
communication for the neighborhood garage sale. Also
suggested we think about a neighborhood block party.

HOA Management – Ashley will begin development of the next
newsletter. We also discussed a better process for obtaining
approval of newsletters before they are distributed.

Old Business:
Covenants – Brad Sweet distributed copies of the most recent
proposed Covenants along with a development time-line,
suggestions from Mike Ball and comments from the volunteer
committee. After review, the 16 minor suggestions from
Mike Ball were accepted for publication. His other
suggestions will be modified for later discussion.

Vickie Heimerman was not present at the meeting so she
could meet with the volunteer committee.

It was moved and passed that all future suggested changes to
the proposed covenants from the volunteer committee or from
any Board member must be submitted to Brad Sweet in time for
distribution to the Board before the next scheduled meeting.
At the meeting, the suggested changes will be discussed,
possibly amended and voted up or down by the Board.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday July 15 at 7PM at 142 S.

Annual Meeting:
Will be scheduled for September 21, 2019 at a location to
be announced.

Michael Ball, Secretary

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