Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2019

Regularly scheduled board meeting. Those present were:
Michael Wise – President
Vickie Heimerman – Vice President
Michael Ball – Secretary
Mary Hill – Treasurer
Agnes Johnson – Zone 1 Representative
Kenny Hughes – Zone 2 Representative
Brad Sweet – guest and former President
Those not present were:
Sandra Zeh – Zone 3 Representative
Jason Gragg – Zone 4 Representative
Jeff Hoetmer – Zone 5 Representative

The minutes of the February 18, 2019 meeting were approved as presented.

Officer Reports:
President – No report
Vice President – No report
Secretary – No report
Treasurer – There are two new homeowners in the Association. There is a
continuing question about late fees on owed balances to the Association.
Is it a percentage of the owed balance or an absolute dollar amount?

Zone Representative Reports:
Zone 1 – Agnes reported damage to a window on her residence by someone
firing a pellet or bb gun. There was a police report filed – there were
no other reports of this manner in the Association.
Zone 2 – No report
Zone 3 – No report
Zone 4 – No report
Zone 5 – No report

ACC Report – No report

HOA Management Report:
Financial reports and compliance reports were distributed.

There was a question raised about the possibility of publishing an HOA
directory. It was agreed that this should be discussed later – after
the new covenants are approved and if we receive a positive response
from the Association members.

Old Business:
Covenants – Brad Sweet distributed an updated version of the proposed
Covenants for further study and comment. It will also be distributed
to the volunteer committee to be assured that all of their concerns are
addressed. There will probably be further updates and membership reviews
plus an upcoming review by an attorney. HOA Management is familiar with
an attorney who specializes in HOA issues.

New sign – Max Metal sent a quote for the new sign to be located at 135th
and Douglas. The size will be 94″ wide by 47″ high for a price of $482.68.
The Board accepted the quote and directed the sign to be installed.

New Business:
Tammy Schmidt, a local real estate broker is offering to purchase and set
up banners and signs for our upcoming neighborhood garage sales. The Board
voted to keep our existing signs and not accept the offer.

We have received no updates from Waste Connections on the participation rate
of our members to the discounted offer. It was decided to wait until the
fall to set up a date for the neighborhood cleanup dumpster to be installed.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on April 15, 2019 at 7PM at 142 S. Forestview.

Michael Ball, Secretary

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