Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2018

Regularly scheduled board meeting. Those present were:
Michael Wise – President
Vickie Heimerman – Vice President
Michael Ball – Secretary
Mary Hill – Treasurer
Agnes Johnson – Zone 1 Representative
Kenny Hughes – Zone 2 Representative
Jeff Hoetmer – Zone 5 Representative
Al Cavallaro – ACC Chairman
Brad Sweet – guest and former President
Those not present were:
Sandra Zeh – Zone 3 Representative
Jason Gragg – Zone 4 Representative

The minutes of the January 21, 2019 were approved as read.

Officer Reports:
President – No report
Vice President – No report
Secretary – No report
Treasurer – Mary has been contacted by local HOAs concerning the neighborhood garage sales.
Pine Ridge is scheduled for June 13-15; Maple Dunes is scheduled for June 6-8.

Zone Representative Reports:
Zone 1 – No report
Zone 2 – No report
Zone 3 – No report
Zone 4 – No report
Zone 5 – David has cleared out his driveway. Willie Cole has been turning off the aerator pump when he is out doors. Jeff will continue to talk with him to get ideas for an enclosure or a reflector – Willie is capable of doing both a design and construction for it.

ACC Report:
The Perez family is planning a new addition at 113 Rainbow Lake Terrace. Approval from the ACC is pending since there is a question about them not being current on HOA dues. We cannot withhold approval for that reason. The Tyler family at 105 S. Forestview is planning a new roof – samples were shown to the Board.

HOA Management Report:
Financial reports and compliance reports were distributed.
HOA Management will provide wording for a collection policy to be added to the new Covenants.

Old Business:
Brad Sweet continued our discussion on the wording of our new Covenants.
Concerning the new sign at 135th and Douglas – Agnes passed around a sample of the sign material. Ashley from HOA Management received a spec for the new sign from a potential vendor.

New Business:
It was agreed to start the process of filing a lien on the Perez property – Mike Wise will make one more attempt to get them to pay before starting the process.
It was agreed to have our neighborhood garage sale on June 13-15 to match Pine Ridge.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on March 18, 2019 at 7PM at 142 S. Forestview.

Michael Ball, Secretary

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