Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2018
Regularly scheduled board meeting. Those present were:
Michael Wise – President
Vickie Heimerman – Vice President
Michael Ball – Secretary
Mary Hill – Treasurer
Agnes Johnson – Zone 1 Representative
Kenny Hughes – Zone 2 Representative
Jason Gragg – Zone 4 Representative
Jeff Hoetmer – Zone 5 Representative
Ashley Derrett – HOA Representative
Brad Sweet – guest and former President
Bev Smiley – guest and member of Covenants Committee
Becky Kennedy – guest and member of Covenants Committee
Those not present were:
Sandra Zeh – Zone 3 Representative

The minutes of the October 15, 2018 meeting were approved as corrected. The HOA Representative was Ashley Derrett, not Ashley Brown.

Officer Reports:
President – No report
Vice President – No report
Secretary – No report
Treasurer – No report

Zone Representative Reports:
Zone 1 – There is an illegally parked trailer in Zone 1. It is apparently owned by a new resident and is being used for moving purposes. A notification of violation letter will be mailed when the name and address can be determined.
Zone 2 – No report
Zone 3 – No report
Zone 5 – No report

ACC Report:
No report

HOA Management Report:
Financial reports including the balance sheet, income statement, check register, prepaid assessments and unpaid assessments were distributed.
It was approved for HOA Management to transfer $6,500 from the checking account to the savings account. This was a temporary loan to pay for the emergency tree removal before the annual dues were received.

New Business:
Quotes for a new sign to be installed on the fence at Douglas and 135th Street are being received. There is special consideration that the sign will be attached to a member’s fence and not free-standing.
A proposal for mowing services from Pote Lawn Services was received. The proposal for a 2-year agreement was considered and accepted.
A proposal for trash collection services was received from Waste Connections. They are offering a discounted rate to the HOA membership. The proposal includes a semi-annual dumpster for the community cleanup. The only request was to use the HOA mailing list for the advertisement. The proposal was accepted by the Board with the request that a copy of the mailing advertisement be provided to the Board.

Old Business:
The new proposed Covenants were discussed. Members of the voluntary committee were invited to the discussion. The committee proposals were included in a version of the Covenants that were not published for the board. This latest version of the Covenants will be distributed as soon as possible. The committee reported the following negative comments about the process of developing the new covenants:
any new covenants will be difficult to get approved by the HOA membership because they appear to be too oppressive – especially when the covenants are more stringent than the laws of the City of Wichita. At the next meeting we will consider the latest version of the covenants and begin the process of finalizing it for approval by the membership.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on January 21, 2019 at 7PM at 142 S. Forestview.

Michael Ball, Secretary

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