Meeting Minutes – October 15, 2018

Regularly scheduled board meeting. Those present were:
Mike Wise – President
Vickie Heimerman – Vice President
Mike Ball – Secretary
Mary Hill – Treasurer
Agnes Johnson – Zone 1 Representative
Kenny Hughes – Zone 2 Representative
Sandra Zeh – Zone 3 Representative
Jeff Hoetmer – Zone 5 Representative
Brad Sweet – guest
Ashley Brown – HOA Management

The minutes of the September 24, 2018 organizational meeting were approved as posted.

Officer Reports:
President – No report
Vice President – No report
Secretary – No report
Treasurer –
The expenses paid this month included:
tree removal from the common area
expenses for the annual meeting – printing and postage
management fees
monthly HOA financial reports were included with the handouts
Mary has a membership list that she will distribute to the board members –
includes names, addresses, email addresses and zone numbers.

Zone Representative Reports:
Zone 1 – No report
Zone 2 – No report
Zone 3 – No report
Zone 5 – No report

ACC Report:
No report

HOA Management Report:
Financial reports were distributed

Old Business:
Web site updates: Patrick Trant will be contacted to either make the updates or validate the Secretary to make the updates.

Proposed changes to the Covenants were emailed to all board members – they included the currently approved 2014 Covenants that were modified by the previous board, the HOA Management and approved by the lawyer. After the rejection by the HOA Membership, a special committee was appointed to make further suggestions. The task of this Board is to complete the revisions, get the lawyer approval and distribute to the membership for approval. At the next Board meeting, the special committee will be invited to assist in making the final revisions. These revisions will be given to the lawyer for evaluation.

Common area work day:
One Westar transformer box has been cleaned and repainted. Further work on cleaning and repainting more boxes is tabled until next spring.

Aeration Equipment:
No action.

New Business:
Brad Sweet has started a newsletter to be published as soon as possible. The goal is to distribute a newsletter 2 or 3 times per year. The plan is to include notes from the annual meeting, a financial report and information about the new Covenants.

There is a concern about the use of proxies at the membership meetings. At the last meeting, many proxies were allowed that were not strictly legal. The membership must be reminded how to use proxies legally. There was some discussion about using absentee ballots in addition to proxies but that will require a change to the bylaws.

The Board agreed that better communications to the membership is vital – especially as preparation is made to approve the new Covenants.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be at 7:00PM on November 19, 2018. The location will be at 142 S. Forestview.

Michael Ball, Secretary

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