September 24, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

September 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM. 142 S. Forestview in Wichita.

The purpose of the meeting was to meet the newly elected officers and zone representatives.

Those present were:
     Brad Sweet - current President
     Mike Wise - newly elected officer
     Mary Hill - current Treasurer and newly elected officer
     Vickie Heimerman - newly elected officer
     Jeff Hoetmer - Zone 5 Representative
     Kenny Hughes - Zone 2 Representative
     Michael Ball - newly elected officer
     Agnes Johnson - Zone 1 Representative

Not in attendance was:
     Sandra Zeh - Zone 3 Representative

Brad Sweet opened the meeting with a brief welcome to the new officers and zone reps.

By random drawing there were two officers elected for two-year terms and two officers elected for one-year terms.
     Michael Wise - 1 year
     Michael Ball - 1 year
     Mary Hill - 2 years
     Vickie Heimerman - 2 years

The following officers were then elected to their positions for the coming year beginning October 1, 2018:
     Michael Wise - President
     Vickie Heimerman - Vice President
     Mary Hill - Treasurer
     Michael Ball - Secretary

There was a general discussion of the issues facing the new board - in no order of priority:

Completion of the new Covenants: It was suggested that the volunteer committee which recommended some changes to the proposed Covenants be invited to a meeting to discuss their recommendations.  Also, a fresh set of proposed Covenants will be distributed for further discussion and possible incorporation of the committee's proposals.  There was also some question about the best format of the document - Microsoft Word with a method of underlines, cross-outs, change bars and color coding - to convey proposed changes from the original.  This format will be determined at a future meeting.  Brad Sweet has volunteered to lead the final preparation of the new Covenants along with the presentation to the membership.

Common areas: Organize work days to keep the common areas free from weeds and saplings.

Aeration equipment: Find a better way to suppress the noise from the aeration equipment - especially the unit behind the Cole residence.

Westar transformers: Find a method for cleaning up and/or painting some of the Westar transformer boxes in the sub-division.  The only restriction from Westar is that the serial numbers and other information no be covered.

Communication to our members: Brad Sweet is volunteering to be in charge of a periodic newsletter.  It would be distributed about every three months and probably hand-delivered to the membership by the zone reps and volunteers.

The next meeting will be on October 15, 2018 at 7:00PM.  The location will be at Mary Hill's home at 142 S. Forestview.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:05PM.

Michael Ball, Secretary


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