August 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Items
Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA
August 20, 2018

Called to order 7:04 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

Kyle Baker Jana Pote Mary Hill
Kenny Hughes Brad Sweet Ashley Derrett
Agnes Johson Keith Stutzman Dee Means
Mike Wise

• Approved July board meeting minutes

Kyle Baker – new homeowner
Concerned about broken willow tree near the lake; unsure whether the tree is on common property or on her property, but broken branch could be a problem if it falls. Ashley D. will call a tree company to diagnose the problem. She also wants to paint her home and wonders about ACC approval. The board advised that at this time the HOA does not have the authority to approve or reject paint colors and told her it was OK to proceed.

Officer’s Reports
• President – Brad
o Brad has placed a number of “No Dumping” signs in the area at the west end off 135th street. It is the board’s hope that residents and non-residents alike will respect the no dumping directive.
• Vice President – Dee: no report
• Secretary – Jana : no report
• Treasurer – Mary : HOA is in good financial condition. Intrust Bank checking account has a balance of $2,448.47; savings account balance is $19,066.31. She asked about whether HOAMS has billed us yet for services provided beyond the July end-of-contract date. Ashley will inquire about this.

Zone Rep
• Agnes – 1 : no report
• Ken – 2 : no report
• Mike – 4 : no report
• Keith – 5 : Lake aerators are repaired and operating in the lake at this time. The resident who did the work has not submitted a bill and normally does not charge for his work. The board, however, would like to have receipts for all supplies in order to reimburse him for all costs.

HOA Management
• Finances: see treasurer’s report
• Community Management
o Inspections: continuing
• Phone/neighbor Directory: no discussion

Old Business
• Covenants – Next steps – Board
o The newly-elected board will likely have to proceed with this process following the annual meeting.
• Fallen tree status – Brad
o 12-ft. diameter tree needs removed. Tree company will be doing this work once the ground is dry enough. He will also remove another broken tree that could cause damage if it falls as well as the dead tree at the front entrance.

New Business

Annual meeting Location & time: Sept. 15, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Fire Station at 21st and 135th West.
Agenda Items:
Dues increase of $50
HOA Management – continuation of contract
Mary – financial report
Election of new board members

Adjourned at 8:04 p.m.