July 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Items
Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA
July 16, 2018

Meeting was called to order by Brad at 7:03 p.m

Introductions / Attendees:
Brad Sweet Becky Kennedy
Mike Wise Jana Pote
Ashley Derret (HOAMS) Dee Means
Kenny Hughes Agnes Johnson
Keith Stutzman Al Cavallaro
Jane Cavallaro Terri Wolfe (HOAMS)

Reviewed and approved June board meeting minutes
Officer’s Reports
President – Brad
• Fallen/dead trees on north side of the lake; tree guy (John Voth, Twin Rivers Tree Trimming, insured/bonded) is ready to go and waiting for the board’s approval of his $6,500 bid. Board approved bid and will contact John to begin the work when his schedule permits.
• Board encourages homeowners to keep volunteer tree growth under control in common areas adjoining their properties.
Vice President – Dee
No report
Secretary – Jana
No report
Zone Rep
• Agnes – 1
A homeowner called with a concern about unsightly garden stakes that a neighbor had placed near the fence. The board advised that this is not an HOA board issue and should be dealt with neighbor to neighbor.
• Ken – 2
No report
• Mike – 4
No report
• Keith – 5
(I didn’t take very good notes on this part – please help me fill in the gaps! This is all I wrote down, and now I don’t recall what was actually asked/said.)
Al Cavallaro – replacing deck boards – replace/maintain
Other house – windows/siding replaecment
HOA Management
• Finances – in good shape
• Community Management
o Inspections – nothing new to report
• Phone/neighbor Directory – waiting for board’s approval; we will look it over
Old Business
• Covenants – Latest recommendations from review committee – Becky Kennedy
Next steps:
 Committee members have volunteered to help deliver information door – to – door
 Becky recommended the addition of “A Covenant Community” signs to the entrances so that new buyers will be aware that there are covenants.
 Brad will email new suggested revision to the board prior to the next monthly meeting for review. Board will discuss them in August. The board does not wish to hurry the process.
• New maps – Mary
Mary has them; they will be helpful at the annual meeting.
• Aerator update – Keith
Two pumps, each runs three aerators; one pump is currently in for repair and should be back soon. Lake looks murky right now; this is common this time of year. It typically clears up on its own.
• Pipes in lake (Richard Rose) – Mike
A BIG thank you to Mike Wise for spending three weekends working on removal of the sawed-off pipes in the lake. The board asked him to submit receipts for the equipment purchased for the job.

New Business
• Annual meeting goals & plans will be discussed at the August meeting.
• Waste Management new pricing plans
While having only one trash service coming in and out of the neighborhood would be safer and do less damage to our streets, the board does not feel we can require all homeowners to use the same company. It was suggested that trash fees become part of the annual dues, in which case the HOA would pay trash service for all. But this idea was rejected as we feel people would prefer to choose their own trash service.

Meting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. Next meeting will be Aug. 20 at the home of Mary Hill.