June 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA
June 18, 2018

Brad Sweet Richard Rose Janna Geno Becky Kennedy
Ashley Derret Terri Wolfe Dee Means Michael Wise
Keith Stutzman Jana Pote Agnes Johnson Kenny Hughes


• Approved last board meeting minutes

Officer’s Reports
• President – Brad
• Vice President – Dee
o Concerned about the need for a stop sign near her home on the north side of the lake; frequent near-accidents
o Dee is moving out of the neighborhood but is willing to serve the remainder of her term as vice president
• Secretary – Jana (no report)
• Treasurer – Mary (no report)

Zone Rep
• Agnes – 1
• Ken – 2
• Mike – 4
• Keith – 5

HOA Management
• Finances – all looks good
• Community Management
o Inspections
• Phone/neighbor Directory
o Terri

Old Business
• Covenants – Findings and recommendations from review committee – Becky Kennedy
o Committee members shared suggested wording changes to the covenants.
o Next steps – committee will try to meet once again to refine suggestions based on discussion at board meeting; board will take suggestions under advisement.
• Mowing of rough grass feeding into lake – Brad
• Community garage sale – results, changes for next year – Agnes

New Business
• Fallen LARGE tree behind 132 N. Rainbow Lakes Road – Brad
o HOAMS has obtained two bids for removal of the tree
o Jana moved to hire Twin Rivers to do the work for $4,200; Keith seconded; motion passed
• Dumpster issues & status – Brad; need to have an empty dumpster brought in, full one removed. We will call for pick up once it is full.
• Additional maps – Mary; new maps have been obtained with updated aerial views of the RLW3 addition.
• Aerator update – Keith; three are still working; one has been pulled and is currently being repaired.
• Pipes to pull from lake – Richard Rose; concerned about cut pipes sticking up from the water behind his house; Michael Wise agreed to work on cutting them this coming weekend.
• Keith (?) reported that Air Capital Trash service offers $12 per month for trash service and $4 per month for recycling – better than our current agreement with Waste Connections. This offer is available to all in our HOA.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Next meeting will be Monday, July 16, location to be announced.

May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date May 21, 2018

Attendees (check if in attendance)
Brad Sweet (president) Kenny Hughes
Agnes Johnson Terri Wolfe (HOA MS)
Jana Pote (secretary) Mary Hill
Dee Means

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

1. April meeting minutes Brad
Read and approved last board meeting minutes

2. President’s report Brad
• Covenants are on hold pending volunteer committee report. Becky Kennedy and Bev Smiley, cochairs, will report to the board at the June meeting.
• Current vote count after receiving mailed ballots: 31 – YES, 25 – NO
• May 5th” tree removal and mowing from common area complete; Brad will check to see if more needs to be done to improve water flow.
• No Dumping signs in process
• Homeowner at 132 N. Rainbow Lakes Rd. – question about mowing common area; covenants state that homeowners must mow lake lots to the lake. Board viewed a large aerial photo map provided by the city; Mary will check to see if we can obtain a more current photo map.
• Unpaid HOA dues: board will to begin lien or collection process for any dues two or more years overdue.•
3. Treasurer’s report Mary
Mary has signed the required forms to all bank to send statements to HOAMS.
Finances are in good shape.

4. Zone rep reports Agnes, Kenny
• Agnes: concerns about activity in the neighborhood
• Kenny: concerned about loose gravel on street since road crews finished. A windshield has been broken and a homeowner has slipped as a result of the gravel being on the street. Kenny will call the city to request that they finish cleanup.

5. HOA Management Terri
• Next inspections will be Thursday.
• Tried to contact Sunflower Directory – no response.•
6. Old business Brad
• Community Garage Sales – see website for details; suggested that we schedule this for the 3rd week of May next year to coincide more closely with nearby neighborhood sales. Agnes will post the signs prior to the date of the sale.
• Large roll-off dumpsters are scheduled for June 8-18. An empty dumpster will be swapped out on the 13th or 14th.
• Keith Mann helped so much with the tree removal in May that Brad asked the board to approve giving him a gift card to thank him. Mary made a motion to approve purchase of a gift card; Jana seconded the motion; the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
• The board received a proposal from a local trash company regarding new low rates. This was discussed but there was no decision.
• Process for amending the new covenant revision proposals after hearing from the volunteer committee:
*committee chair will bring suggestions from committee
*board will determine whether/how to integrate those suggestions
*new covenant proposal will be mailed or hand-delivered to all homeowners
*zone reps will be asked to host zone meetings OR go door-to-door to answer any questions
(Note to board: Debi and Jason Schuber have agreed to host the Zone 3 meeting since we have no Zone 3 rep.)
*new special meeting date will be determined and publicized in a timely fashion.
• Concerned about how to better communicate with homeowners:
*Every homeowner should be checking the website.
*Does the board think a printed newsletter would be helpful? Some discussion about cost/delivery; or it could be emailed. No decision was made.
*Would a Facebook page be more accessible?
• The next HOA board election will be for three officers, with only one remaining officer still having the one-year remainder of her term to serve. The board is concerned that it is extremely difficult to find volunteers to serve on the board.

The next board meeting will take place June 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.