Board Meeting Minutes April 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date April 16, 2018

Attendees (check if in attendance)
Brad Sweet (president) Mary Hill (treasurer)
Agnes Johnson Kara Smith (HOA MS)
Jana Pote (secretary) Kenny Hughes

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill.

Agenda items
1. Approval of March minutes Brad
Address of meeting corrected
2. Secretary’s report Jana
Note changed date of special meeting for approval of covenant revisions:
• May 3 @ 7:00 pm
• At the fire station at 21st and 135th street
3. Treasurer’s report Mary
Finances are in good condition. Question about whether to close account at Intrust and move funds to savings account, but we will wait until after the annual meeting in September to decide this.
4. Zone rep reports Kenny, Agnes
Kenny: Street signs in the neighborhood have been changed to indicate North/South. Thanks, Kenny, for making the call and getting this taken care of!
Agnes: Concerned about neighborhood crime, particularly about a recent event at the rental property near the front entrance. The board again discussed the fact that this property must cease being a rental house upon its next sale or change of ownership.
5. HOA Management Services Kara
Discussed covenant revision process
Finances look good3
Inspection report – essentially the same as before
Neighborhood directory is still in progress. The directory publishing company apologizes for the delay.
6. Special meeting to approve revised covenants Brad/Kara
Meeting date: Thursday, May 3
Location: Fire Station #21, 21st and 135th Street (2110 N 135th St W)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
• The mailing (including voting ballot and covenant revisions) has been mailed to all homeowners soon in order to allow adequate time to meeting agenda review them before the meeting.
• The board wishes to emphasize that the purpose of the revisions is to clarify wording, to bring covenants into alignment with state statutes, and to protect property values.
• This meeting will be for the sole purpose of discussing and voting to approve the revised covenants. Discussion of any other HOA business will take place at the annual meeting in September.
7. New business Brad
• A homeowner has requested that the board look into removing some of the dead trees and brush at the west end of the lake. She feels it is a fire hazard. David Pote and the board will determine which trees to remove. HOA Management will get the bids from contractors for the tree removal. `
• Neighborhood garage sales will be June 7-9.
• A large roll-off dumpster will be placed in the commons area across from 125 S. Forestview over two weekends in June. Dates to be announced.
The next board meeting will take place May 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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