Board Meeting Minutes March 2018

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd
HOA Board Meeting
Date Mar. 19, 2018

Brad Sweet (president) Ken Hughes
Agnes Johnson
Michael Wise
Mary Hill
Al Cavallaro

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Agenda items
1. Review of February meeting minutes Brad
February board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
2. President’s report Brad
Dues review with HOA and liens. Final notice and lien approved.
3 months plus 30 days, then lien.
5-0 approved
3. Zone rep reports
• Zone 1 – none
• Zone 2 – street signs
• Zone 3 – none
• Zone 4 – none
4. HOA Mangagement Kara
• Covenants complete
• On hold – landscaping
• Directory mailing address update; deliveries and cost
5. Revised covenants Kara
Special meeting for covenant updates at fire station, 21st 135th
***UPDATE 4/16/18: Date to be announced; homeowners will be receiving a packet of information soon! Meeting will be sometime in early May.
Delivery proxy and ballot
Approval by sections; approved by sending proxy and ballots by mail (HOAMS)
By-laws discussion
HOAMS will complete mailing by end of the week.

The next board meeting will take place Monday, Apr. 16 at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

2 thoughts on “Board Meeting Minutes March 2018”

  1. What is the specific agenda for the Special meeting for covenant updates at fire station, 21st 135th Apr. 19, 7:00 p.m.. Who should attend this meeting. Should I have received any documentation prior to the meeting? Will any items in the agenda be voted on during this meeting.

    1. This meeting will be held May 3 at the fire station at 21st and 13th for the specific purpose of answering questions from homeowners regarding the updates to our covenants and conducting a vote to approve them. At least one voting member from each household should attend. There will be no discussion of other topics until the annual meeting in September. All homeowners should be receiving informational packets very soon. The packets will include the proposed covenant revisions.

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