Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 2017

Rainbow Lakes West 3rd HOA Board Meeting
Nov. 20, 2017

Attendees: Brad Sweet, Keith Stutzman, Jana Pote, Dee Means, Agnes Johnson, Tom Rausch, Nate Adams, Rodney Wright (VP HOA Management Services), Kara Smith (HOA Management Services)

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dee Means, 115 N. Rainbow Lakes Road.

Agenda items:

1. Introductions

2. Minutes from October board meeting were approved.

3. Mary, Brad and Phil have gone to the bank to get signature cards changed and paperwork completed for HOA Management Services to handle the paying of bills.

4. Brad and Keith reported that the broken pump at the east end of Reservoir A will be repaired/replaced by Dave Deffenbach, a homeowner. Dave did the original wiring and installation of the aerator pumps, and has offered to do the work at his cost. The board is grateful for his generosity. Cost will be approximately $450.

5. Kara reviewed the financial statement.

6. Zone rep reports:

a. Agnes: concern about the weeds/unkempt bushes around the signs at the front entrance. The board would like to plan a volunteer work day next May when the landscaping can be updated and cleaned up. Details to come. It was also suggested that we ask homeowners to sign up for one week during the summer to volunteer to care for the landscaping.
b. The question was raised concerning who puts up our Christmas lights each year at the front entrance. We were unsure who does that.
c. Keith stated that parked cars/trailers that are left for extended periods of time need to be reported to the city by calling 911. This is a city issue, not an HOA issue. An officer will come chalk the tire of the reported vehicle, and it will be impounded if not moved after the warning.

7. HOA Management Services report: They continue to document and sent notices regarding yard clean-up, exterior projects, and junk in driveways.

8. New homeowner Tom Rausch and roofer Nate Adams attended to discuss a concern about the roof approval process. The board agreed that the approved roofing materials list needs to be updated and will have the architectural approval committee begin this process as soon as possible. In the meantime, Tom will meet with Al Cavallaro (ACC chair) to get approval for his roof this week.

9. Rodney discussed the proposed changed to the covenants. Several revisions will be made and the HOA will have the opportunity to vote on the changes in the near future.

10. Jana asked about putting up “No Soliciting” signs at each entrance, but some felt that these are ineffective. Rodney stated that we should simply call 911 and report a suspicious person when solicitors come to our neighborhood. The police will verify whether they have a license to solicit in Wichita.

11. Brad will notify the board of the date and time of the next board meeting. The board typically does not meet in December.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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