June 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Rainbow Lakes West III
HOA Board Meeting
19 June 2017

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. at the home of Mary Hill with the following in attendance
Brad Sweet, Mary Hill, Phil Iwinski, Keith Stutzman and Agnes Johnson, Guest Debby Iwinski.
Minutes of the May meeting were approved.
ACC Approvals:
6’ Cedar Privacy Fence around backyard, Steve and Jan Geno
260 S. Forestview Ct. approved 6/7/17
5’ Wrought Iron fence around backyard, Tom Mahon
225 S. Forestview St. approved 6/12/17
Garage Sale:
It was suggested that we have it a week later next year, and that we contact the neighboring HOAs’ to coordinate having all on the same weekend.
Post removal in Lake behind Richard Rose Property.
President Brad will contact Richard advising him we will wait until the water is much lower due to the potential liability if something goes wrong. These posts are not really hurting anything, but if cut off below water level and someone accidentally were hurt by the poles which they could not see, we could have a problem.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance on Hand in checking account $10,329.20, June 19, 2017.
Balance on Hand in savings account $27,002.62, June 19, 2017.
There are 6 delinquent accounts remaining, two of which are $300 each. One is in Zone 1, one in Zone 2, three in Zone 3, and one in zone 5.
A discussion of the services provided by Custom Lawn Service affirmed that they are doing the job they were hired to do, at the Maple street entryway, and it is in better condition as a result. They are treating the trees, and fertilizing and providing week control
There is a tree growing inside the scotch pine located just East of the East side monument which needs to be removed. Cleaning up the overgrown greenery inside the monuments, and later making other planting improvements inside the monuments, was also discussed.
Rusted out Mailbox
Mary Hill reported she had forwarded a picture of the rusted-out mailbox in Zone 1 to the Postmaster General, and as a result the box was replaced with a new postal receptacle.
She is now attempting to have some of the Westar electrical boxes that are also in bad condition, replaced.
Old Business:
The proposed contract from the HOA Management Company, previously provided to the board, was discussed.
Phil Iwinski moved and Keith Stutzman seconded that we sign a 12-month contract beginning July 1, 2017, with the HOA Management Company, motion carried.
Our insurance is due soon and it is hoped that by signing an agreement with the HOA Management Company we may be able to reduce our insurance expense. The management company would also be the point of contact for the homeowners for ALL COMPLAINTS.
It is anticipated that the HOA Management company then would do all the preparation for the annual meeting, send out notices, notice of dues, etc.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
The next meeting will July 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Hill, 142 S. Forestview.

Mary Hill, Secretary

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